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Due to a key experience in Spring 1975, I was able to perceive complete unity of all 6 [meanwhile 7,6] billion humans here on Earth. Ever since, I attempt to translate the then envisioned and sensed oneness in a practical and communicable form. One of the symbols that I developed for this reason is shown on my website's index page.
Television can be a suitable medium to foster a unity spirit. This is the vantage point of this UNITV/UNITY proposal.
Often, conflict zones become acualized worldwide via TV in particular. This happens predominantly with a negative connotation. (Impending) Wars, disasters and political implications are the main ingredients of our daily TV and radio menu.
My idea is, to spot exactly in these focus areas those groups and individuals who go beyond all bounderies and demonstrate a lively unity consciousness. Instead of the common numbness and hopeless fear, creative thougths are stimulated and new contexts revealed. Practical concepts and promising projects are developed and exposed. Contacts and partnerships are initiated and supported.
I imagine this program in co-production with the United Nations [Unesco], hence the name UNITV.
The broadcasts will effectuate an ongoing process. Continuation trajects will eventually branch out in or bring forth other transmission series (inspire other channels?).
Contests for working out the best solutions for lingering matters, threatening catastrophies or newly noticed developments of worldwide scope will become elements of this format. Remark regarding 'Wheel 2.0: Golden Innovations will be searched for and featured prominently.
One example to illustrate this: UNOY (pronounced You Know Why, short for United Nations of Youth, now United Network of Young Peacebuilders) did organize a Caucasian Conference in 1994 in the wake of the looming Chechnia war. Young people aged 15 to 35 years were representants of all involved groups (some 50!) who were learned to begin a dialogue and share their experiences and dreams maybe for the first time. It could well be that this action, while not having avoided the outbreak of a war two days later, eventually contributed to a much milder series of happenings, and swift negociations.
Peace initiatives of all sorts will form a main ingredient, but there are much more options possible. In particular, easy public adaption and appropriate simplicity of the plans will get a lot of attention. Culture (of the highest level - the broadcasts are planned for a worldwide audience) will provide highlights in every part. Children of all ages are encouraged to contribute in all phases.
The series can be presented under the flag of the official UNESCO/UN 2001-2010 'International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence (Unity) - for the Children of the World' campaign. - See additional links and thoughts at
Wonderful to hear from this and we are already working on a project that could go on to this news channel. Last night we were gathered at the neigborhood park to share ideas on what to do to take care of it. Some of us had already started doing small tasks and now it is becoming collective. On the day of the solstice, it was the perfect timing to have several women, 1 man and their dogs agreed on this.
Since the beginning of the year some of us have been present daily to prevent the park from getting vandalized or to become an unsafe place. We have done this gently yet firmly. The park is but the first, most obvious ground where to start, and go from there to neighborhood recycling, security, inclusion and nature connection . We envision to rebuild a community that has been virtually nonexisting. Who knows what the ripple efects might be.
Dear Mariana, very good initiative to beautify your own surroundings, and in a group structure to secure the neighbourhood. I guess you all will benefit from this, and be encouraged to initiate inspiring projects. Please report here on your progress.
Since we started the " Intensive" I find myself in a new birthing process, coming back home to Source. Life gives me a chance to free myself from what isn't meant to me anymore. All these are steps on the way back towards our pure Essential and Universal Self. How can we live fulfillment, freedom and peace in ourselves and in the evolutionary process until we umbrace Love on it's Highest level ? Respecting and welcoming each other as thriving Devine Humans, expressing our Highest Potential? On the depths our our Being everybody is filled with stories- the real, mythic stories ( e.g.death and resurrection) help us to remember our sacred vocation- they inspire our unfolding into a meaningful whole and are essential to our social transformation.
HUB- my biggest heart's desire is:
-Fulfillment and realisation of the new spezies of Homo Amore Universalis as part of conscious evolution
-through blissful sharing of our life story as a message to become aware of the veil between this world and other extended realities
- supporting e.o. to live and celebrate our highest potentials
- freeing and expressing the power of love from inside out on all levels of life within the wheel of co-creation
Circle of resonance
what I can give is :
- my trust into existance and "yes" to the power of Ultimate Love, eternal life, light and joy
- gratefulness for being able to share what has been given to me
- communication with source and other dimensions
- background information concerning higher purpose beyond questions through
- highly expanded insights concerning our lifes, projects, relationships etc.
- through different Resonant Field Programmes and other Transformational and Spiritual Work
What I need
As I almost have no computer knowledge, I need an easy way/platform to communicate and share informations,
-people of interest, translation German/ Englisch, if needed, technical and financial support or other possibilities to get started a new chapter of life.
DNA/ Devine Natural Awareness(NealeD. Walsch) of my deepest heart desire
-natural, blissful awakening and ascension of all life through Evolutionary Love as a new Species : HOMO AMORE UNIVERSALIS
- building bridges between the old and the new worlds and
- co-creating balance between the possible and the "impossible"
- at the same time focussing on our Highest gifts and being open to recieve GOD'S Grace in gratefulness
Finally: Thank you all trying to understand my English " language" I often have to laugh about myself!!! But in case we'll have to learn to communicate with other universal beings, this is a good start to try :-))))) !!!
This 1 minute Clip is an example of finding Good News in Bad News which may compliment the concept of our our ANS-HAU-TV, to view you need to scroll down to the actual Video posting which is under the 3 brief paragraphs written beneath the Post ! Joyously in service, Sue
It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood, Because of a Clip of Mr. Rogers Calling Out Mainstream M…
It is no surprise that the mainstream media and news try to keep us locked in a state of fear. This is why we are constantly seeing and hearing about…
Thank you, Sue, it is so evident what this person says. Just today I saw a clip from a mainstream newspaper where people from the city are bringing breakfast and dinner to immigrants from Venezuela that stay at bus stations because they have no where else to go and also because all they want is collect some money to pay their fares to their destinations (where they have some relatives).
I realize that within my deepest heart's desire there is the communication component. I had not thought about posting in this sector until this morning, although it is so obvious. I write professionally.
The environment is what matters me the most, but all good news are the news I want to communicate. I rather immerse myself in any subject so as to have enough undesrtanding of the subject. That's why I write slowly and little. That is what I want to keep doing, because only then the word conveys its deep meaning. Only then it transforms reality.
Thank you, John! I feel very grateful for your answer! It just came in while I was listening to the replay Code 24, with Barbara, Jeanne and You! It made me speakless what I heard! And took me some time to react. I couldn't even imagine that this would show up in the Intensive.
If you don't mind I'll tell you part of my story and the connection we might have together over the years. I appologize for my English and I'll start with a
Pastlife remembering:
The extinction of Atlantis and the incredible pain" that this should never happen again" was my calling to incarnate on planet Earth. My deepest heart desire was: to transform destructive energy and fill it with love and light.
My evolutionary blueprint: Planetary Awakening and rising through love and creativity.
Full of joy and energy in the birth channel I suddenly realised that I had choosen the "wrong planet" gave up and died. But a huge GOLDEN SPHERE entered into me and brought me back into life.
early childhood:
As a two year old child I moved out of bed every night towards the window, my sister watched me and heard me, crying loudly: "I'm here, please come back, you have forgotten me, I'm here, take me home"!
Some years later I played with my invisible friends. That made me very happy!
When I wanted to to listen and to talk to God, I put my ears on a wooden "Telegraphenmast" listening to it's sounds, phoning home! What a pleasure!
In the coming years I was often confronted with people, who died through accidents in front of me and I helped them to let go.
When I was 21 years old my boyfriend, his brother and two friends of them died in a car accident at the Greek/Turkish border. On the way to their funeral my college and I saw my boyfriend driving towards us on his motorbike, and some weeks later we met him again in Tübingen direktly coming towards us. I wanted to speak to him, recognized his special mark on his left hand while I wanted to touch to him I felt an energy field around him that did't allow it. I felt that I had to trust and let him go. Later on I realised that he could switch between the dimensions. Afterwards I studied all about death I possibly could. During the following next years he teached me all about energyfields in nature.
Once I was guided to an international meeting with Shamans from all over the word. While I was driving in my car at night I saw people rising up their arms straigt up pointing towards the sky. Finally I stopped the car and there it was again: The Golden SPHERE directly above my car! I felt so blissed and immediatly I wanted to enter their field of energy and joining them , but it disappeared into the direction of the camp of the Shamans. During a Vision Quest next day I was drawn into an energy field and recognized it as the same frequency as the Golden SPHERE. While stepping into the field (Ascension Chamber?), I was uploaded with all kinds of data and felt totally awakened and en-Light-end. The radius of the field was about 20 m. Stepping outside the field the download of informations stopped. Switching between the dimensions felt simply great!
Since that time I often came into contact with all kinds of E.T. forms, studied their energies, messages and frequencies. Trustting my heart, it was easy to distinguish what felt essential for me.
Fall 1983 Freiburg
During one night I was guided to a chapel near Tuniberg and received a vision of a 6-pointed star with a circle/like a fullpoint antenna in the middle. In the following years I was guided to anchor the same symbol first in the area around Freiburg. Later in Ireland, France, Switzerland, England, Spain, Sri Lanka, India, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, USA and certain under water places in the ocean. I simply loved to do this.
January,17, 1986 Zürich-March1990
During a session with a client I recieved a vision of a center which should be structured in a complete new way, connecting Science and Spirituality- an Academy for Future Science- (J.J. Hurtak), which should connect worldwide: Humans, Universe and Planet Earth.
Connecting Cosmic Energies and Earth
Exchanging ideas with group members opened a door into a new direction. We were guided to different places in Switzerland and afterwards found out, that they were in connection with different star-systems, for example Taurus, the Big Dipper and the North star. On this background we became aware where the home (ascension base?)should be located.
To make it short, we found the place, cleared everthing with the local council, funds etc., connected with our partners in USAand became aware of the war in Irak. We realised that the time to get started was not in tune with our project and let go!
2016, Switzerland, Swiss Alp
Much has happened since then. One night a friend of us took us to his favourite place in the alps, where he has been as a child. When he was a little child, he was taken away from his playground in a GOLDEN SPHERE and brought back after a couple of hours. Everything had changed for him. There is much more to be discovered!
This night we were watching the stars and what else is going on out there and my eyes were drawn towards a certain star: EAGLE !
Tuning into it, it started sending out circular impulses right from the center,- magenta red colour- and then the signaturechanged into a mandala, not at all similar to "our" sacred geometry and it's unique sound was to be heard - just wonderful! Many other stars attracted my attention, each of them unique in their colours and sounds.
Joining together in a unique, overwhelming symphony!
I wonder what will happen to your Galactic University and take it into my heart!
Place in the Wheel of CO-Creation: HUB/Spirituality
What I want to create:
I’m a devine-human storyteller
Clearing the hights and depths of humanity
On it’s way back to Source
Creating grace, beauty and wonder
Remembering who we really are
Discovering light in all that is
Feeling gratefulness and the glory of joy
Eternal love and life
Entering the stillness of the ocean
Melting in light, water and sound
Becoming an instrument
In the symphony of the new dawn of
Homo Amore Universalis
All is One
All is God
what I want to create:
I love to inspire and support individuals and groups in their own essential core and unique highest potential through sharing life experiences from inside out. From me-space to we-space.
Building bridges from Homo Sapiens towards a new area of life. People who want to awake and are willing to experiment in alignment with cosmos, heart and planet . Who want to share their gifts in harmony with nature and the new Species of Homo Amore Universalis in gratefulness and love.
What I need to create:
People of interest in the field of the evolutionary new men Relations/ Communication & Media Education &learning
Hello! I originally signed up under Spirituality, as my writing is mostly spiritually based. However, since my purpose here is to co-create with screneplay writers for my books, I've decided to sign in here.
In 2010 I founded HumanSpirit Radio Network based on a profound inspiration to create "A broadcast and conversation to ignite and inspire Who We Are as evolutionary beings on an unstoppable path of self-discovery & awakening. As we anchor our full, multi-dimensional Self into our physical being we are gifted with the wisdom and insights needed to negotiate and inform these changing times. This is where our species is headed…This is the arc of human evolution…This is HumanSpirit. And our time is NOW." HSRN did weekly broadcast (me and other hosts) from 2010-15. I have recently (March 2018) joined with News for the Soul Network and am doing monthly broadcasts (4th Friday Every Month, 2-3 pm PACIFIC Listen Live/Call-in: (646) 595-4274.) I am also inspired to convene a conference/summit/livestream event to educate the public about the reality and potential of Zero Point Energy, if/when the timing is right for the collective. I have completed an interview with a man very prominent in the ZPE field, Moray B. King, now up on YouTube. Staying tuned to guidance and reaching out to others in the field to determine right timing. Live broadcast media seems to be part of my deep calling. I am a good interviewer and enjoy it very much. Hello Media allies! HumanSpiritRadio website, lastest broadcast News for the Soul 4.27.18 Broadcast, Moray B. King Interview
UNITV proposal (© 1998-2001, version 1.1, 5 October 2001, slightly updated 22 June 2018)
Due to a key experience in Spring 1975, I was able to perceive complete unity of all 6 [meanwhile 7,6] billion humans here on Earth. Ever since, I attempt to translate the then envisioned and sensed oneness in a practical and communicable form. One of the symbols that I developed for this reason is shown on my website's index page.
Television can be a suitable medium to foster a unity spirit. This is the vantage point of this UNITV/UNITY proposal.
Often, conflict zones become acualized worldwide via TV in particular. This happens predominantly with a negative connotation. (Impending) Wars, disasters and political implications are the main ingredients of our daily TV and radio menu.
My idea is, to spot exactly in these focus areas those groups and individuals who go beyond all bounderies and demonstrate a lively unity consciousness. Instead of the common numbness and hopeless fear, creative thougths are stimulated and new contexts revealed. Practical concepts and promising projects are developed and exposed. Contacts and partnerships are initiated and supported.
I imagine this program in co-production with the United Nations [Unesco], hence the name UNITV.
The broadcasts will effectuate an ongoing process. Continuation trajects will eventually branch out in or bring forth other transmission series (inspire other channels?).
Contests for working out the best solutions for lingering matters, threatening catastrophies or newly noticed developments of worldwide scope will become elements of this format. Remark regarding 'Wheel 2.0: Golden Innovations will be searched for and featured prominently.
One example to illustrate this: UNOY (pronounced You Know Why, short for United Nations of Youth, now United Network of Young Peacebuilders) did organize a Caucasian Conference in 1994 in the wake of the looming Chechnia war. Young people aged 15 to 35 years were representants of all involved groups (some 50!) who were learned to begin a dialogue and share their experiences and dreams maybe for the first time. It could well be that this action, while not having avoided the outbreak of a war two days later, eventually contributed to a much milder series of happenings, and swift negociations.
Peace initiatives of all sorts will form a main ingredient, but there are much more options possible. In particular, easy public adaption and appropriate simplicity of the plans will get a lot of attention. Culture (of the highest level - the broadcasts are planned for a worldwide audience) will provide highlights in every part. Children of all ages are encouraged to contribute in all phases.
The series can be presented under the flag of the official UNESCO/UN 2001-2010 'International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence (Unity) - for the Children of the World' campaign. - See additional links and thoughts at
Wonderful to hear from this and we are already working on a project that could go on to this news channel. Last night we were gathered at the neigborhood park to share ideas on what to do to take care of it. Some of us had already started doing small tasks and now it is becoming collective. On the day of the solstice, it was the perfect timing to have several women, 1 man and their dogs agreed on this.
Since the beginning of the year some of us have been present daily to prevent the park from getting vandalized or to become an unsafe place. We have done this gently yet firmly. The park is but the first, most obvious ground where to start, and go from there to neighborhood recycling, security, inclusion and nature connection . We envision to rebuild a community that has been virtually nonexisting. Who knows what the ripple efects might be.
Dear Mariana, very good initiative to beautify your own surroundings, and in a group structure to secure the neighbourhood. I guess you all will benefit from this, and be encouraged to initiate inspiring projects. Please report here on your progress.
Since we started the " Intensive" I find myself in a new birthing process, coming back home to Source. Life gives me a chance to free myself from what isn't meant to me anymore. All these are steps on the way back towards our pure Essential and Universal Self. How can we live fulfillment, freedom and peace in ourselves and in the evolutionary process until we umbrace Love on it's Highest level ? Respecting and welcoming each other as thriving Devine Humans, expressing our Highest Potential? On the depths our our Being everybody is filled with stories- the real, mythic stories ( e.g.death and resurrection) help us to remember our sacred vocation- they inspire our unfolding into a meaningful whole and are essential to our social transformation.
HUB- my biggest heart's desire is:
-Fulfillment and realisation of the new spezies of Homo Amore Universalis as part of conscious evolution
-through blissful sharing of our life story as a message to become aware of the veil between this world and other extended realities
- supporting e.o. to live and celebrate our highest potentials
- freeing and expressing the power of love from inside out on all levels of life within the wheel of co-creation
Circle of resonance
what I can give is :
- my trust into existance and "yes" to the power of Ultimate Love, eternal life, light and joy
- gratefulness for being able to share what has been given to me
- communication with source and other dimensions
- background information concerning higher purpose beyond questions through
- highly expanded insights concerning our lifes, projects, relationships etc.
- through different Resonant Field Programmes and other Transformational and Spiritual Work
What I need
As I almost have no computer knowledge, I need an easy way/platform to communicate and share informations,
-people of interest, translation German/ Englisch, if needed, technical and financial support or other possibilities to get started a new chapter of life.
DNA/ Devine Natural Awareness (Neale D. Walsch) of my deepest heart desire
-natural, blissful awakening and ascension of all life through Evolutionary Love as a new Species : HOMO AMORE UNIVERSALIS
- building bridges between the old and the new worlds and
- co-creating balance between the possible and the "impossible"
- at the same time focussing on our Highest gifts and being open to recieve GOD'S Grace in gratefulness
Finally: Thank you all trying to understand my English " language" I often have to laugh about myself!!! But in case we'll have to learn to communicate with other universal beings, this is a good start to try :-))))) !!!
This 1 minute Clip is an example of finding Good News in Bad News which may compliment the concept of our our ANS-HAU-TV, to view you need to scroll down to the actual Video posting which is under the 3 brief paragraphs written beneath the Post ! Joyously in service, Sue
Thank you, Sue, it is so evident what this person says. Just today I saw a clip from a mainstream newspaper where people from the city are bringing breakfast and dinner to immigrants from Venezuela that stay at bus stations because they have no where else to go and also because all they want is collect some money to pay their fares to their destinations (where they have some relatives).
I realize that within my deepest heart's desire there is the communication component. I had not thought about posting in this sector until this morning, although it is so obvious. I write professionally.
The environment is what matters me the most, but all good news are the news I want to communicate. I rather immerse myself in any subject so as to have enough undesrtanding of the subject. That's why I write slowly and little. That is what I want to keep doing, because only then the word conveys its deep meaning. Only then it transforms reality.
Hi John,
Thank you, John! I feel very grateful for your answer! It just came in while I was listening to the replay Code 24, with Barbara, Jeanne and You! It made me speakless what I heard! And took me some time to react. I couldn't even imagine that this would show up in the Intensive.
If you don't mind I'll tell you part of my story and the connection we might have together over the years. I appologize for my English and I'll start with a
Pastlife remembering:
The extinction of Atlantis and the incredible pain" that this should never happen again" was my calling to incarnate on planet Earth. My deepest heart desire was: to transform destructive energy and fill it with love and light.
My evolutionary blueprint: Planetary Awakening and rising through love and creativity.
Full of joy and energy in the birth channel I suddenly realised that I had choosen the "wrong planet" gave up and died. But a huge GOLDEN SPHERE entered into me and brought me back into life.
early childhood:
As a two year old child I moved out of bed every night towards the window, my sister watched me and heard me, crying loudly: "I'm here, please come back, you have forgotten me, I'm here, take me home"!
Some years later I played with my invisible friends. That made me very happy!
When I wanted to to listen and to talk to God, I put my ears on a wooden "Telegraphenmast" listening to it's sounds, phoning home! What a pleasure!
In the coming years I was often confronted with people, who died through accidents in front of me and I helped them to let go.
When I was 21 years old my boyfriend, his brother and two friends of them died in a car accident at the Greek/Turkish border. On the way to their funeral my college and I saw my boyfriend driving towards us on his motorbike, and some weeks later we met him again in Tübingen direktly coming towards us. I wanted to speak to him, recognized his special mark on his left hand while I wanted to touch to him I felt an energy field around him that did't allow it. I felt that I had to trust and let him go. Later on I realised that he could switch between the dimensions. Afterwards I studied all about death I possibly could. During the following next years he teached me all about energyfields in nature.
Once I was guided to an international meeting with Shamans from all over the word. While I was driving in my car at night I saw people rising up their arms straigt up pointing towards the sky. Finally I stopped the car and there it was again: The Golden SPHERE directly above my car! I felt so blissed and immediatly I wanted to enter their field of energy and joining them , but it disappeared into the direction of the camp of the Shamans. During a Vision Quest next day I was drawn into an energy field and recognized it as the same frequency as the Golden SPHERE. While stepping into the field (Ascension Chamber?), I was uploaded with all kinds of data and felt totally awakened and en-Light-end. The radius of the field was about 20 m. Stepping outside the field the download of informations stopped. Switching between the dimensions felt simply great!
Since that time I often came into contact with all kinds of E.T. forms, studied their energies, messages and frequencies. Trustting my heart, it was easy to distinguish what felt essential for me.
Fall 1983 Freiburg
During one night I was guided to a chapel near Tuniberg and received a vision of a 6-pointed star with a circle/like a fullpoint antenna in the middle. In the following years I was guided to anchor the same symbol first in the area around Freiburg. Later in Ireland, France, Switzerland, England, Spain, Sri Lanka, India, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, USA and certain under water places in the ocean. I simply loved to do this.
January,17, 1986 Zürich-March1990
During a session with a client I recieved a vision of a center which should be structured in a complete new way, connecting Science and Spirituality- an Academy for Future Science- (J.J. Hurtak), which should connect worldwide: Humans, Universe and Planet Earth.
Connecting Cosmic Energies and Earth
Exchanging ideas with group members opened a door into a new direction. We were guided to different places in Switzerland and afterwards found out, that they were in connection with different star-systems, for example Taurus, the Big Dipper and the North star. On this background we became aware where the home (ascension base?)should be located.
To make it short, we found the place, cleared everthing with the local council, funds etc., connected with our partners in USAand became aware of the war in Irak. We realised that the time to get started was not in tune with our project and let go!
2016, Switzerland, Swiss Alp
Much has happened since then. One night a friend of us took us to his favourite place in the alps, where he has been as a child. When he was a little child, he was taken away from his playground in a GOLDEN SPHERE and brought back after a couple of hours. Everything had changed for him. There is much more to be discovered!
This night we were watching the stars and what else is going on out there and my eyes were drawn towards a certain star: EAGLE !
Tuning into it, it started sending out circular impulses right from the center,- magenta red colour- and then the signaturechanged into a mandala, not at all similar to "our" sacred geometry and it's unique sound was to be heard - just wonderful! Many other stars attracted my attention, each of them unique in their colours and sounds.
Joining together in a unique, overwhelming symphony!
I wonder what will happen to your Galactic University and take it into my heart!
all the best
Place in the Wheel of CO-Creation: HUB/Spirituality
What I want to create:
I’m a devine-human storyteller
Clearing the hights and depths of humanity
On it’s way back to Source
Creating grace, beauty and wonder
Remembering who we really are
Discovering light in all that is
Feeling gratefulness and the glory of joy
Eternal love and life
Entering the stillness of the ocean
Melting in light, water and sound
Becoming an instrument
In the symphony of the new dawn of
Homo Amore Universalis
All is One
All is God
what I want to create:
I love to inspire and support individuals and groups in their own essential core and unique highest potential through sharing life experiences from inside out. From me-space to we-space.
Building bridges from Homo Sapiens towards a new area of life. People who want to awake and are willing to experiment in alignment with cosmos, heart and planet . Who want to share their gifts in harmony with nature and the new Species of Homo Amore Universalis in gratefulness and love.
What I need to create:
People of interest in the field of the evolutionary new men Relations/ Communication & Media Education & learning
Micro- Communities & Retreat Centers in spe.
Hello! I originally signed up under Spirituality, as my writing is mostly spiritually based. However, since my purpose here is to co-create with screneplay writers for my books, I've decided to sign in here.
In 2010 I founded HumanSpirit Radio Network based on a profound inspiration to create "A broadcast and conversation to ignite and inspire Who We Are as evolutionary beings on an unstoppable path of self-discovery & awakening. As we anchor our full, multi-dimensional Self into our physical being we are gifted with the wisdom and insights needed to negotiate and inform these changing times. This is where our species is headed…This is the arc of human evolution…This is HumanSpirit. And our time is NOW." HSRN did weekly broadcast (me and other hosts) from 2010-15. I have recently (March 2018) joined with News for the Soul Network and am doing monthly broadcasts (4th Friday Every Month, 2-3 pm PACIFIC Listen Live/Call-in: (646) 595-4274.) I am also inspired to convene a conference/summit/livestream event to educate the public about the reality and potential of Zero Point Energy, if/when the timing is right for the collective. I have completed an interview with a man very prominent in the ZPE field, Moray B. King, now up on YouTube. Staying tuned to guidance and reaching out to others in the field to determine right timing. Live broadcast media seems to be part of my deep calling. I am a good interviewer and enjoy it very much. Hello Media allies! HumanSpiritRadio website, lastest broadcast News for the Soul 4.27.18 Broadcast, Moray B. King Interview