Click on Forum, select a Forum or Add Discussion and use the Reply box to share with your group. There is a Reply link at the end of each Reply to respond to each Reply. It is small initially and there is an icon in the lower right corner to enlarge it. You can also add Links, Photos and Videos.

The Global Community of Conscious Evolutionaries

If you need help to enter an Event or Yourself on the Maps, there are instructions in Replies below to walk you thru the process.

Our Intention and Purpose is to gather as a Global Communion of Conscious Evolutionaries in the Resonant Field to have a place where people can:

  1. connect with one another on the Global Map,
  2. find out about meetings and events on another Global Map, and
  3. find online meetings on a Calendar

If you have Skype, find me as JGRainbows and ask to be my Contact before Friday night. Be sure to let me know that it is about The Oneness Community.  I will use Skype to share my screen and help you.

If you don't have Skype, send me your phone number at with The Oneness Community in the Subject or Reply below and I will call you. You will need to be in front of your computer so that I can walk you thru stuff.

Could synergy create a new script for the next generation--one that is more geared to service and contribution, and is less protective, less adversarial, less selfish; one that is more open, more trusting, more giving, and is less defensive, protective, and political; one that is more loving, more caring, and is less possessive and judgmental? p. 263 "7 Habits of Highly Successful People" Steven Covey

For Janet's eyes only;-): 

This is how to get Events in any Google Calendar imported into a Google Map.

  1. Connect the ICal to my Outlook Calendar (Send/Receive all folders)
  2. Right click on the Outlook Calendar and “Move” it to my Inbox Oneness folder
  3. File, Open, Import, Export to a File, CSV, From Browse to Inbox Oneness folder Calendar, Finish
  4. Edit CSV, =IF(LEFT(Q2,5)="Phone",LEFT(Q2,5)," ")       =IF(LEFT(Q2,5)="Phone",MID(Q2,8,50),Q2)
  5. Open the Events Map to Edit
  6. Create a new layer and import from each "calendar".CSV
  7. Color pins consistent with Calendar entries color
  8. Edit layer name to Calendar name
  9. Delete old layer

<iframe src=";height=600&amp;wkst=1&amp;bgcolor=%239999ff&amp;src=tdgacjr4tfsflbp4v4261il838% (Barbara Marx Hubbard);color=%23B1365F&amp;src=87uvkpv6vs0gfs1m0mstap9c88% (Humanities Team);color=%232952A3&amp;(old Resonant Field src=n6agl2iq2k351ebahc9uhtqf68%)

                                                                                                                                                   src=mr39elpsp7sn4hp5pd0armcu5s% (New Resonant Field);color=%23711616&amp;src=jua5umo7gav8ppa9audsum88gs% (Conscious Evolutionaries);color=%2342104A&amp;src=en.usa%23holiday%;color=%238D6F47&amp;ctz=America%2FDenver" style=" border:solid 1px #777 " width="1000" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

To get people in a Google Workbook Worksheet into a Google Map:

  1. Edit the Map
  2. Add a Layer
  3. Import from the Google Drive Global Community of Conscious Evolutionaries
  4. Pin by Location
  5. Title by Name
  6. Style by Sector
  7. Color pins with Sector Colors
  8. Edit Layer Name to The Global Community of Conscious Evolutionaries
  9. Delete old layer
  10. Sites to update:
    1. The Oneness Community, Members
    2. The Oneness Community, Calendar

Refresh website page

You need to be a member of The Oneness Community to add comments!

Join The Oneness Community

Email me when people reply –


  • Janet, Is there an ability to invite other members to groups?

    • Other members of what? I am sure there is;-)

      • Other members of this site


        • Yes. I just invited all members of this site who know and love the 52 Codes to join us in conversation. You should have gotten an email. Did you?

  • 3068755?profile=original

  • 3068688?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Delete previous entries and Copy Events from Form Spread Sheet into the appropriate CSV and import into Calendar.

  • Independent Website (Same data) - The Global Community of Conscious Evolutionaries

    This data plus your contact list can be provided for your website.

  • Layers and Colors on both the Map and the Calendar correspond to different Movements and can be checked and unchecked depending on the website. The Global Community of Conscious Evolutionaries Layer and Calendar is for everyone and every website.

    3068653?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Layers and Colors on the Map correspond to different Movements and can be checked and unchecked depending on the website. The Global Community of Conscious Evolutionaries Layer is for everyone and every Conscious Evolutionary website.


  • 3068627?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    2000 rows, 18 columns  (Upload failed; Column names cannot include these characters: " ' < > { }|)

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