The Trust Frequency
A synthesis of indigenous cosmology, quantum science and Western and Eastern mysticism
bringing a new perspective on the nature of the Universe:
We are One and live in the Now, in a conscious Universe where there is only Love.
The unconditional nature of that Love means it gives us everything we ask for.
The 7A’s – Awareness, Assumption, Attitude, Attention, Alignment, Action and Allowing are our requests to the Universe.
Each of these carries a frequency, which has its own laws.
Free Will enables us to choose our frequency and thereby our reality.
The true, abundant, joyful nature of the Universe
is available to anyone who chooses The Trust Frequency
The 7 A's
With expanded AWARENESS, and accurate ASSUMPTIONS we choose our ATTITUDE
and consciously direct our ATTENTION,
ALIGN with our highest inner promptings with committed ACTION,
ALLOWING the loving universe to manifest beyond our wildest dreams.
The vibratory realm where the soul’s destiny awaits, with more abundance, joy, beauty and peace than we can imagine. Examine core beliefs that stand in the way of the evolutionary upward spiral to higher consciousness. Align with your own inner knowing.
Discover that the laws that apply to YOU differ depending on your frequency. Learn about the role of free will and your ability to choose your frequency and thereby your reality. Enter a conscious, loving Universe.
Click here for
The Definitions and Ten Assumptions
You Don't Have to Die to Get to Heaven!
THE TRUST FREQUENCY: Ten Assumptions for a New Paradigm
A book/workshop by
Andrew Cameron Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow
Bill Gladstone's review of the book:
As the literary agent for Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard and many other luminaries in the mind/body/spirit genre, I am confident that Bailey and Marlow will be perceived as the next “new wave” in the practical application of new science thinking. ‘The Trust Frequency’ is a highly intelligent book that captures and synthesizes, as no book published to date has ever done before, the true meaning of the present shift in consciousness that many authors have identified and discussed, in books such as Tolle’s THE POWER OF NOW, Walsch’s CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD and even Byrne’s THE SECRET. It is also possibly the most grounded book in this genre, in offering not abstract but practical solutions that readers can immediately implement to improve their own lives and the lives of others.
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