Similar to a Torus, a hologram contains properties of wholeness. We know in cutting a photograph in half one is left with two half images, while cutting a holographic film in half one is left with two whole images! "...each point on a holographic recording includes information about light scattered from every point in the scene." In transferring the science of a hologram into a spirit of wholeness a Wholeness Perspective could be very helpful towards thriving/evolving. Wholeness Perspective - a point of view wherein each part (person) actually IS the Whole/the Whole IS each part - as opposed to a model where each part carries a representation OF the whole, which I've called the Symphony Orchestra model. "At the human level the wholeness is the individual, not the group."- Foster Gamble. Question: Do you think this distinction between the words IS and OF is clear? Does it make sense? Is it understood? Can it be understood in the mind, or should it only be felt in the heart?
In an attempt to humanize science and bring it to the warm environment it rightfully deserves, I offer that an authentic Wholeness Perspective allows us to truly know and feel that there really is no separation between the inside and the outside of ourselves, that we are indeed our brothers keeper, and that in addition to each of us being connected to each other, I am literally another person! In this science of love I see how each one of us IS Wholey. We ARE Wholey. Right now. Right here.
I love this! Thank you for posting.
Thank you Janet,
I too feel that the understanding of Oneness and Wholeness are critical to mankind. And I am in the process of learning what I've read on Shift Network, "You are the one's you have been looking for."
Namaste to you ("Namaste" itself is a beautiful and accurate reflection of Wholeness - "I honor the Divinity in you that is also in me.")