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The More We Evolve, The Less We Need God

IQ2 debate - The More We Evolve, The Less We Need God

Does God have a place in 21st century human affairs? For many, the answer is an unapologetic yes. Belief in a higher power, they argue, is the foundation of human consciousness and the soul of all social, political, and scientific progress. Further, some claim, humans are biologically predisposed to embrace religion and require faith to live moral lives. Others are far more skeptical. For them, adherence to faith and religious tradition serves only to fracture communities and prevent humanity from embracing a more enlightened, reasoned, and just social order. As we look to the future in uncertain times, should spirituality and religion play a central role in human evolution, innovation, and discovery? Or has God become obsolete? 

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  • As I browse around the site, I find interesting posts from months and years ago, with no comments. Since I'm in bed with a cold, and some unexpected down-time, I have time to share my thoughts on your questions! I believe that, like everything else, our idea of God is evolving. The idea promoted by most organized religions in the West, of God as a separate, external super-human being in our imgage ready to punish us for every little transgression, is most certainly obsolete. I agree that the rules and teachings of most organized religions do serve only to fracture communities and prevent more enlightened and just societies.  

    But as human consciousness evolves to a deeper understanding of our shared divinity with the Source of all creation, humanity can certainly develop more evolved systems and processes to organize ourselves into more evolved societies at every level. This is what I see as the goal of the Oneness Community itself. 

    But it is up to each of us.

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