Dear Friends,
So much enjoying reading about the new memes for spirituality! I would like to add something I wrote for the recent Co-Creators Rising Course, led by Barbara Marx Hubbard. It was directly inspired by her saying at one point in the course that she "felt like a piece of DNA"! Here is what came to me, below, and I'll also attach it; seems right up the alley of the memes, please feel free to add it if you like!
Quantum Revolution in a Fractal Universe: Aligning Our DNA
With the Spiral at the Cosmic Core of Creation
“Evolutionary spirituality” is a radical, evolving, convergent new field holding out the extraordinary promise of bringing together a new universal spirituality; quantum, whole-systems science; and deep-rooted, far-reaching social change, with the power to transform life on Earth as we know it. There is perhaps no other vision that brings together so cogently the spiritual, scientific and social dimensions, leveraging such potent change on all levels.
As part of an on-line course of “Co-Creators Rising” led by Barbara Marx Hubbard, one of the pioneers and leading lights in this field, she mentioned that she felt like a piece of DNA in the greater social body. This image triggered something in me, like a high-voltage electro-magnetic current, that suddenly made a lot of things line up and click into place. I’d like to share it here.
We’ll dive in the deep end here, because that is where it starts – with the core of the vision that also contains in itself the whole.
It starts with seeing that we are DNA within the holons of the social body, as well as the greater planetary and Cosmic bodies. The helix of the DNA, like the helix which winds up our spine through the chakras, like the Cosmic spiral of co-creative synergy – all are fractal holons of the Whole, re-iterations of the same pattern, at different, nested scales, folding into and unfolding from each other and the very core of creation.
New science tells us that genes themselves do not act in pre-determined ways; they need to be activated by outer forces in the environment. From an energetic standpoint, this means that our DNA and genes are not just objective, solid particles, but waves of probability and possibility, that need to be activated into manifestation by their resonant interaction with other frequency waves around them, the greater fields (holons) of energy in which they are embedded. This is an immensely exciting new vision of how the new order of Consciousness that is emerging today is actually coming about. Our own inner DNA for holistic consciousness and action is becoming radically more open, receptive and thus activated into action by the deeper DNA of the zero-point quantum field, which vibrates with the energy and information-waves needed for the further evolution of our species and the whole Cosmos.
It is fascinating to notice that both linear thought (mental constructs, our old way of processing information) and fossils fuels are “fossilized”, and now becoming obsolete. The time for being dependent on linear thinking, at the mental level, and fossil-fuels, on the physical, to run our world, is now over. Rather, we need to tap into a greater power in the zero-point field that is both energetic and informational – to attune to the deeper energetic DNA of the Universe that resonates with and activates our own.
The information we need today to create the new world we are seeking is conveyed not by words but by waves. This deeper information, seeded in our own being at a subliminal level, cannot be locked into our old limited linear mental constructs. It is rather by the resonance of our own energy waves with the energy and information waves of the other holons that surround us, that we can access the deepest template for Cosmic creation and bring it into manifestation in our world. This becomes a fractal orchestration of all the levels of our being, individual and collective.
In broad-strokes, we exist at four levels, which in our ignorance we have so far partitioned off, but which are now entering in flow – the silent, still Source of Creation Itself; the subtle energy field that flows from it; the level of quantum, subtle information that is encoded in its waves; and the level of our visible world, at which that information unfolds into physical materialization. Today these levels are beginning to work together in flow, in co-creative synergy to bring to birth the next order of our evolution. Each level holds the lock and key to the other, activating the highest power and potential of each.
The key to our evolution is the resonance between all levels, the wave-like flow of energy and information from the Source Itself to the outermost levels of material Creation. As this new higher order of Consciousness emerges, we will come to know ourselves as multi-dimensional beings existing at all of these four levels, and as the seamless flow of energy and information between them. That information is already subtly encoded at the deeper levels of our being, but when the channels of resonance and flow within us are open, it unfolds through us into materialization, the visible forms of our world. We become conduits for the template of Creation.
In brief, we exist as all of these, and the Whole that is both their Source and contains them:
1) the undivided stillness and silence at the Source of Creation;
2) the subtle-energy that flows from that, the zero-point quantum field;
3) the encoded information enfolded within that field, the Universal DNA that detonates our own, releasing waves of possibility into potential materialization;
4) the material realm itself, where the flow from pure Consciousness, to subtle-energy, to encoded information, emerges on the visible plane, materializing into the new world we are now co-creating.
This is how the process of conscious co-creation is unfolding itself at this stage of our evolution, creating a truly revolutionary leap in consciousness. Here Consciousness flows, in a seamless stream, from its subtlest levels to creative new forms in our world, materializing itself through us, in forms that directly manifest its inherent harmony, truth and beauty. Here the silos of separation within ourselves and between ourselves and the Universe dissolve: fossilized particles (fossil fuels, obsolete thinking and social structures) break down, giving way to a breakthrough of new waves of possibility, flowing directly through us from the Source of Creation itself.
The multi-dimensional levels of our being have been recognized in the past, but we didn’t know how to activate them into a dynamic flow (apart from rare shamans and mystics.) This is in fact the evolutionary leap taking place today, to a higher order of Consciousness – the activation of all levels of our being, individual and collective, in conscious, co-creative synergy with each other and the Source of Creation itself.
With fossil fuels and linear mental constructs, we have been using fossilized, particle-ized “proxies” for the power, energy and information that is our natural birthright, flowing from the Universe itself. Now is the time for us to access those capacities, and it is already happening, through the quantum field, flowing through us, from the Source of Creation Itself.
“Emergence” is usually meant to refer to a higher Whole emerging from a lesser one, a Whole emerging that is bigger and more complex than the sum of its parts. Yet, while it may appear that a higher Whole is emerging from a lesser one, it is because the lesser Whole is actually already issuing from the higher. This two-way dynamic creates the torus pattern, the dynamic double-helix in action that is constantly churning Consciousness into energy, information and matter, and back again.
There is so much knowledge in the field, and in our own body, that is subliminal, not linear. This is the time to access it and to put it in action, tuning into the spiral of Creation that will spin a new world into being.
The spine is like an electro-magnetic conduit, entwined with the spiral DNA of the Cosmos. Like the Cosmos, it is also constantly churning Consciousness into energy, information and matter, and back again. In this way our own systems echo, reflect and co-create with the Universe. Our inspirations are received from, and reverberate at, all scales.
Plugging our spinal spiral into the Cosmic spiral, spinning new worlds into being from the core of Creation Itself, we enter into our new incarnation as a self-organizing system, in synergy with the nested holons of smaller and greater spirals of self-organizing systems at all scales, in resonance and synchronicity with our own. This gives rise to a multi-dimensional self-organizing system: nested, fractal holons at progressively more complex scales, all resonating with each other in co-creative synergy. Though each of us is in ourselves a self-organizing holon, we are also each all of them, seamlessly enmeshed – each one of us is the Whole.
All the propitious factors for the emergence of a new world line up in co-creative synergy.
Fractal Evolution in the Bigger Historical – and Contemporaneous -- Picture
In the historical big picture of our evolution, the continuous, fractal spiraling from Consciousness to matter and back again occurs at three major scales – Consciousness as the Cosmos itself, as the individual, and the collective culture.
We are dealing here with three different scales of the spectrum of the levels of our being: three different fractals of the same evolutionary sequence (or, seen from an a-temporal perspective, their contemporaneous layers.) The first, upon which the others are based, is the evolution of the Universe Itself: the evolution of Consciousness into energy and into matter, of increasing diversification and complexity. This complexity gives rise to the second fractal, the holograph of the human body, with its own spectrum of personal evolution/involution; embedded within the third fractal, the holograph of the larger social body to which it belongs, and its own corresponding spectrum of collective cultural evolution/involution.
The three phases, then, each flowing naturally one from the other, are as follows: 1) evolution of Consciousness into matter, including the human holograph; 2) involution of matter back to Consciousness, through the human form, and the collective cultural evolution of the greater social body to which it belongs 3) conscious co-creative synergy, bringing all three fractals – Cosmos, the human micro-cosmos and that of collective culture -- into coordination and synchrony. This is the latest, emerging stage of evolution today: the co-creative synergy of the individual and the collective culture with the deepest spiritual core of Creation itself.
This is the quantum leap towards which the universe now is propelling us, and our own crises compelling us.
We have said that each scale can be seen either as an evolutionary sequence or a static, contemporaneous spectrum of co-existing levels. Yet in fact the way these scales operate is fractal and thus far more dynamic than this “either/or” would suggest. On all three scales – Cosmic, individual and collective -- there is a continuous spiraling from Consciousness to matter and back again. Both evolution and involution, expansion from the Source and return, occur continuously, simultaneously, at all three scales, resulting in an ever-deepening connection with Source expressing itself in an ever-growing creativity. The Grand Being in which we participate is most akin to a giant torus, folding in and unfolding, in perpetual motion, drawing forth from its own secret centre ever more diverse forms of creative emergence.
The loveliness of this fractal picture of life is that it never ends – and why would we want to end it? This is the flow of Creation – of life -- never static, always changing, eternal. Let the wheel of life continue to turn, but let us know ourselves as the hub, and the ever-changing, limitless circumference. It is not simply a round of life-and-death, whose only goal is to come to its end, but a spiral of endless creativity, of on-going revelation, of inexhaustible mystery.
I was subtly afraid, for a long time, of giving up my attachment to “non-duality”. But I’ve come to realize that non-duality is just the start of a whole revolution in our thinking and being. It doesn’t have to be given up – in fact, it cannot, because it is the basis of everything. The operative word is “basis” – non-duality can never be static, final, but always dynamic, vibrant, precisely because it’s the basis from which everything else springs.
From all the above, we can begin to see the truly revolutionary relationship between Non-Duality, The Zero-Point Field, and Solving Our Energy Crises: How We Can Re-Source Power from the Source of Creation Itself to Revolutionize Our World:
Right now our energy systems -- the level which connects the Source of Creation with its outer material forms and relations -- has become a prime focus of our attention on the stage of today’s world crises. Our energy systems are running out, our sources of power rapidly depleting. At the same time, on a personal scale, many are apathetic or paralyzed, lacking the power or energy to do anything about it; our inner resources exhausted no less than the outer. It is fascinating how this level of energy and power, on both the personal and global scales, is where our old systems are failing -- but also the missing link as to how we can radically re-invent them, igniting new sources of power.
This level is both the key to the crises, and also the solutions. In both cases, that of the personal as well as the global scale, the answer to our shortages of energy and power lies in the quantum field, the zero-point field where all energy and power rise from. We have to learn to access this in both cases, to plug again into our true Source of power to change things in the world; and, at the global material scale, into the zero-point field for new sources of power to run it. And these two are not separate, but intricately intertwined. It is through our vital connection with the zero-point, quantum field at the Source of Creation that we can most powerfully mobilize the energy needed to change ourselves and our world.
Co-creative synergy draws its power from the zero-point field; it moves from the zero-point at the core of Creation to create an infinite possibility of new forms. The most complex creative connections are made when we are tuned into the zero-point Source, the core of Creation itself, where all is connected and thus all connections arise from.
The zero-point field has no circumference; it is the wide-open “O” of pure potential, which is infinitely expansive, open to vast constellations of infinite possibility. It is from the zero-point Source, like a bottomless spring of creation, that the new Earth we yearn for will blossom.
The tiny energy vortices (whorls) that radiate throughout the zero-point field are like fractal seeds, that blossom into whole worlds, unfold into limitless constellations. This radiant, luminous, vibrating field is the ground of our being, and the ground of all being. There is no emptiness either to fear or escape to; intricately entwined in this limitless field of being, we are, in Essence, eternal. This level of our Being contains infinite cycles of life and death, but is subject to neither. It is itself the Subject, from which all transient objects arise and into which they are re-cycled. We are this Subject, though for most this freedom is obscured by a mistaken identity with one small, limited, ever-changing form – our own body and mind. We must open our blinkers and see how vastly much more we are than this.
When one meditates, one melts into this limitless field of radiant pure luminosity. This is not emptiness or void, but scintillates with the power of infinite potential, of pure possibility…It is a wellspring of creativity, a fertile womb, vastly capacious, capable of gestating boundless expressions of Being. This turns the role of spirituality on its head – from exiting or transcending the world, to entering ever more deeply into the very Source and wellsprings of its creation.
It is in the silence that all the secrets we seek are held…One goes to it again and again, this treasure cave of creation, and it never fails to yield up revelations…Yet each time, one must start again from zero; in that moment of letting go, one must let go entirely into Source, naked, without expectation. It is the Source of everything, but it only yields up its deepest treasures when we let go completely, when we hold nothing, ask nothing, sinking into its zero-point of pure unconditioned unknowing. The unconditioned only fully opens to us when we surrender to it unconditionally, wholly. Then it offers us the whole world, far beyond what we ever could have imagined.
We speak about the power of intention as the force that draws what we desire towards us, but if it is the treasure of the unconditioned one yearns for, then unconditional surrender is the most powerful force of all. The peace of the unconditioned is the very ground of Creation, and also the wellspring from which all creativity springs.
Our entire evolution and growth depends on staying in connection with Source, and its flow through all levels. When they are in balance and alignment, the flow from spirit to matter and back again is seamless, continuous and mutually cross-fertilizing. Our energy system, psychology and material forms of organization all reflect and express the unity at their Source. They radiate out as ever-more creative and complex expressions of Wholeness, all the while staying in touch with the eternal stillness of our essential Being at their core.
Conscious co-creative synergy, held in the context of Wholeness, is such a profound shift from today’s thinking that one could rightly call it, as we have mentioned before, a revolutionary leap.
“Revolution” (in the context of a “r/evolutionary leap”) means a radical change in the whole form of society. It does not have to entail massive destruction, but radical metamorphosis, like the butterfly emerging from the caterpillar’s cocoon – naturally, but dramatically, beautifully, different. In this sense, revolution does not mean a watered-down, toothless version of the older-style revolutions of violent destruction, but, even more far-reaching and potent, a revolution in the nature of revolution itself, an uprising of a whole new order, a Cambrian explosion of consciousness and the enormous, exponential power of conscious, co-creative self-organization.
Lastly, there is something ironic, but also highly instructive, in how this relates to the way various social forces are lining up today.
The people who see things in the old way all see things in the same old way, and so have a common basis around which to pull together. That is why it is so easy for right-wing and reactionary agendas to organize and consolidate power. The people who see things in a new way, however, those who are receiving pieces of a new still-hidden template, all tend to receive different pieces, and thus splinter off around their different agendas. We see this in the alternative scene as well as progressive politics – i.e., “identity politics” which keeps the various interest groups of the left wing, environmentalists, feminists, indigenous groups, spiritual activists, etc., from joining forces together. This depletion of power because of internal factions has been holding back progressive forces, at a time when their united action is most urgently required. At the same time it has given regressive forces plenty of scope to gain ground.
But now is the time for all of those who are plugged into one part or other of the new picture to pull together and work as one, joining the pieces they hold into a coherent, all-inclusive vision and force for action. This is how the jump to the new order will take place, that we have all been longing for. The people who think “differently” from the norm need to de-emphasize their own differences and rally around the common causes that link them. They have to recognize the common ground, the emerging new template, in which these differences complement each other and converge. As the fuller template thus fills out and reveals itself, it will exponentially animate each of these groups in themselves as well as their common cause.
Can we know that in this life, with certainty, beyond belief?