We see the energy and Spiritual connection between God/Divinity/Source, humanity and all of life and that we are all individuations of the Whole; that everything is interrelated, interconnected and interdependent. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. When we see ourselves and everything as a part of God/The ONE, we begin to seek to connect with and serve this Body/Whole that we are part of. Our lives become spirituality demonstrated.
Humanity's Team: Oneness Through the 12 Spheres of Life, Sphere of Spirituality
Barbara Marx Hubbard: Share Your Vision at Foundation for Conscious Evolution
Get Informed at Thrive, What on Earth Will if Take
See the good news on the Spirituality Sector on Facebook
Hi everyone, If you live in or near Denver, please come see me at the Body Mind Spirit Expo March 16-18th, 2018.
One Love
Mary Reed - "Unwitting Mystic" - http://www.maryreed.net/
Allowing vs Control