Bruce Lipton’s book, Biology of Belief, was an enormous contributor to science and the new spirituality. It has just been re-released. Bruce is joining us to share why. In layman’s terms, Bruce will share what the new science is revealing and what it means when we stand back and consider the interconnectedness of all of life.
On Thursday, November 11th at 9am Los Angeles, CA time (PT) Bruce will be our guest on the Oneness in 12 Spheres global conference call focusing on Science. He will sit down with Anna-Mari Pieterse and me to share why science is being misunderstood today and what science is suggesting is true when we consider Ultimate Reality. The implications are astounding!
To register for this complimentary global conference call:
Bruce’s work has great significance for how we live our lives, how we create relationships, how we raise our family, how we create community and more.
Join us on Thursday and be sure to bring your questions!
Yours in Oneness,
Steve Farrell
Worldwide Coordinating Director
Humanity's Team
P.S. To see all of our upcoming programs, including with: Jonathan Goldman, Mark Nepo, Pierre Pradervand, Steve Bhaerman, Celeste Yacoboni and others and to receive complimentary 48 hour replays, go to:
You need to be a member of The Oneness Community to add comments!
We are very excited about our next Oneness in 12 Spheres of Life call on the topic of Science. Our special guest is Nassim Haramein, the Director of Research at the Resonance Project. If you’d like to look tangibly into the future to see what Oneness and Science look like, be sure to join us!
Director of Research at the Resonance Project, Nassim Haramein was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1962. As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already discovering the universal dynamics of matter and energy, which led him on a journey toward pioneering a new approach to quantum gravity and continual developments in unified field theory. He grew up in Eastern Canada with an innate reverence for the design of nature and a determination to discover the basic building-blocks of creation. Nassim dedicated most of his time to his independent investigation into physics, geometry, chemistry, biology, consciousness, archeology, and various world religions. Haramein’s dedication to scientific exploration combined with his keen observation of the behavior of nature led him to a specific geometric pattern which is at the core of his approach and new perspective in unified field theory.
Humanity’s Team partners with The Association for Global New Thought and The Foundation for Conscious Evolution to bring you these monthly conference calls focusing on Oneness in the 12 Spheres of Life. Barbara Marx Hubbard and Barbara Fields will join us as co-hosts during this call.
Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on Thursday, November 13th at 11:30 am Los Angeles, CA USA time! To find the time in your area, go to:
Fluent in both French and English, Haramein has been delivering lectures and seminars on unification theory for over 20 years worldwide. In 2003 he founded The Resonance Project Foundation, and as its Director of Research leads teams of physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians and other scientists to explore the frontier of unification principles and their implications. Haramein’s lifelong vision of applied unified physics to create positive change in the world today is reflected in the mission of The Resonance Project Foundation. He shares the developments of his research through scientific publications and educational offerings through the Resonance Academy.
Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on Thursday, November 13th at 11:30am Los Angeles, CA USA time! We’ll be taking your questions so be sure to come to the call prepared to engage with us!
See you on Thursday, November 13th!
In Oneness and with so much Love,
Steve Farrell & Anna-Mari Pieterse
Humanity’s Team
We had a deep and fascinating discussion with Nassim Haramein during our hour long program. Together with my colleague and co-host, Barbara Marx Hubbard, we entered into a conversation with Nassim Haramein about science as it stands today in relation to Oneness. It was a very thought provoking and stimulationg hour! Over 4500 people registered for this call~an incredible turnout!
If you missed the call or Password: einstein
Here is what some shared during our call:
~Thank you for the elucidating call with Nassim! Karol
~Thank you for this wonderful treat. Truthfully some of this I had never heard of before. Very grateful for the teachings and may We all wake from this dream and just simply love each others. Blessings
Keep smiling peacefully Diane
~ This is awesome!! Programs with information like this reach and educate more and more people. Thank you, thank you for all you are doing in your evolutionary leadership! Trisha in Coral Springs, FL
~Fantastic! The brain, the heart, and the universe is the road map of our future. Steven - Redding, CA
~Is an important piece of your discoveries that we as individuals truly/scientifically effect the field so our intention effects field regardless of our consciousness of that effect. Lori - Ventura
~Hello from Berlin! Ludwig from Berlin, Germany
~Blessings & Greetings beloveds brothers & sisters. Marlena in Cape Town, South Africa
Our next Oneness in 12 Spheres call is Thursday, December 11th from 10 – 11 am Los Angeles, CA, U.S. time. It will focus on “Spirituality” and our special guest will be our founder, Neale Donald Walsch. Don’t miss this program! Register now!
In Oneness and with so much love,
Steve Farrell
Worldwide Coordinating Director
Humanity’s Team