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Monthly Conference Call Focusing on Oneness in Relations

Please join us on Thursday, October 8th, from 10 – 11am Los Angeles CA time.  Our theme for this 12 Spheres call is Oneness in Relations.

Humanity’s Team partners with
The Foundation for Conscious Evolution to bring you these monthly conference calls focusing on Oneness in the 12 Spheres of Life.

Our special guest is
David Hoffmeister for this 12 Spheres call. We will focus on relations and we’re talking about it in the context of living as One with the Divine, each other and all of life.    

Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on Thursday, October 8th, from 10 – 11am Los Angeles CA time:

To find the time in your area:   

David began his journey to spiritual enlightenment in 1986 when he encountered A Course in Miracles (ACIM) and felt the power of this teaching for a radical transformation of his mind and perceptions about the world. He studied the course intensely, and other ACIM students began inviting him to share his experience. A Voice began speaking through him with great authority and guided him to travel around the world to share this message of truth. Through his devotion to the Voice and the message, David has become a living demonstration of the principles of lasting love, joy and peace as described in the teachings of the Christian mystics and A Course in Miracles. He speaks with great presence, clarity and humor about the path out of the fear and worry of the world and has brought this message to thousands of people in over 32 countries worldwide. He touches hearts and opens minds to the reality that peace, love and joy are always available to everyone right now.

Also check out a special complimentary gift from David:

Register to save your spot:

As always, this will prove to be a great call!

With Love,
Anna-Mari Pieterse and Steve Farrell
Humanity’s Team

P.S. If you haven't already signed up for Global Oneness Day Telesummit on Saturday, October 24th do so now: You can learn all about this big event on the registration page.

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  • We are very excited about our next 12 Spheres of Life Series call on the topic of Oneness and Relations.  These wonderful calls have gained lots of interest and attention because all aspects of Life and Oneness are covered. If you’d like to look tangibly into the future to see what Oneness and Relations looks like, be sure to join us.

    Humanity’s Team partners with The Association for Global New Thought and The Foundation for Conscious Evolution to bring you these monthly conference calls focusing on Oneness in the 12 Spheres of Life. Barbara Marx Hubbard, Barbara Fields and our special guest Colleen Joy Page will join us in this very compelling discussion on Relations and Oneness.

    Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on Thursday, October 9th at 10:00 am Los Angeles, CA USA time! To find the time in your area, go to:

    colleen.jpgColleen Joy Page is the founder and author of the InnerLifeSkills ® Coaching programs. She speaks about the art of asking the right questions, in the right way, at the right time to liberate human potential.

    She challenges and inspires us to start a personal liberation movement. To learn to coach ourselves with life-changing, game-winning questions. To dig deeper than the surface mind to access our inner wealth, and to use that inner wealth to transform obstacles and make a difference with our purpose.

    Citizens of South Africa might have seen the 2 documentary television features made about her life "Kyknet’s Bloudruk" with the late great Katinka Heyns and more recently "Journey to the Core," or have seen her as a frequent expert guest on 3 Talk, Great Expectations, Summit and others.

    After her first 2 books were published, she became known as the “Apple Tree lady”. She has since co-authored a book called Bloodlines & Baggage with Pam Roux Phd.
    Colleen built a multi-million earning brand InnerLifeSkills®, starting from her garage over 20 years ago. She gets top ratings and rave reviews from  boardrooms and conference halls around the world, from New York to London, Singapore to Namibia.

    Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on Thursday, October 9th at 10:00am Los Angeles, CA USA time! We’ll be taking your questions so be sure to come to the call prepared to engage with us!

    See you on Thursday, October 9th!

    In Oneness and with so much Love,
    Steve Farrell & Anna-Mari Pieterse
    Humanity’s Team

  • colleen.jpgOur call with Colleen Joy Page was marvelous!  Relations are such a rich topic because we talk about how we are in relationship with a part of our Self.   Colleen spoke both about our “practical mind” and the place where Oneness and peace are our center.  She pointed out that truth is often a paradox.  She talked about the moment when we might try to defend ourselves and the moment when we are not divided or in conflict because there is only One of us.

    If you missed the call, you can listen-in now: Password: connection

    As always, Barbara Marx Hubbard added valuable wisdom and insight and Anna-Mari Pieterse fabulously pulled the questions and program together.

    Here is what some of our listeners shared:
    Tricia in Coral Springs, FL
    ~Hi Steve, Colleen, and the whole Humanity's Team. This is Trish from Coral Springs, FL. Thank you so much for these Community calls. I love the stimulation that broadens and deepens my view and understanding of all of us as a global family and deepens my relationship to myself and my ongoing evolvement. Barbara, I love your Wheel of Co-Creation. Colleen, I love your image of the Inner Well and, yes, let's take Oneness out of the political definitions and place it in our hearts.

    Annabel  - Corsham United Kingdom
    ~ Hello Everyone This is wonderful!

    Deborah - Winnsboro, Texas
    ~ I feel blessed to be here.

    Our next call is with Nassim Haramein and our focus is 'Science.'  The call is Thursday, November 13th from 11:30am – 12:30 Los Angeles, CA time.  Be sure to join us and invite others to register:

    With so much love,

    Steve Farrell
    Worldwide Coordinating Director
    Humanity’s Team

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