How beautiful the breath of God. It is through the experiences we are attracting into our life in this moment that we are able to comprehend the aligning force we experience as a journey. Many of us do not have many experiences right now. We have come to a place where stillness is the way and have come to peace with it; so much so that when the spirit urges us forward and we step that direction, we shake...we quiver with a new fear, yet somewhat familiar, but still, a false fear of separation!?!
This morning, the thought of emerging into the world for any reason is ludicrous. It was "hell" allowing the undoing of my mind and the releasing of attachments and the balance of emotions and now...I am suppose to what? Yesterday brought an experience. The experience revealed to me the depth of fear held in the collective...I felt it through an incoming email response (reaction). It knocked me over, literally. It took a while to balance and I was gifted with a conversation with Janet that helped me transmute the energy I had taken on myself. The experience has given me insight and understanding. I am grateful and wisdom has expanded.
The New Earth is a territory held by Intention in the Heart Center. There is no saving people and no changing the systems designed by the old man. What we, as CoCreators, are doing is creating a new territory in our own conscious awareness that says, this place is Heaven and it is where I live. As we come together As One, the territory becomes larger and larger. As it grows energetically, more are attracted to it and the systems begin to reflect the change or rather they are shifted into alignment caused by the will of the collective and the infiltration of Light into each sector. Light is successfully infiltrated into the system by the awakening of others. As CoCreators We help by seeing others as the Divine One they Are and trusting that All Is Well...this enables us to hold the CoCreators' Intention for New Earth, Heaven, the Golden Age. The Force behind our Act of remembering and loving unconditionally is more powerful than anything our hands, voice, etc can do. However, there is doing that will be done and then...
Then the question of cashflow resurfaces. Cashflow remains an issue for many. It is written upon my heart that I am provided for yet the energy of an ego nags my mind that I must earn my way or be broke and the spiritual ego says to create a funnel for necessary energy to flow through. Then of course the funnel becomes the challenge and the old man freaks. The spiritual ego goes to war with the old man seemingly screaming, BE STILL and the old man shrieks back in fear of loosing balance and suffering the consequences of the world he unknowingly built but no longer wishes to reside. I feel the intensity of their presence and just sit still. Now I have tears streaming down my face.... oh man!!!! I see why I say "oh man"! :-)
Help Tammy get a grant to do her work.
What a beautiful prayer to our new way! As we just put it out there and let the reactions be what they may, curiously watching how the seeds we gently plant, sprout and grow in those around us who live in so much fear. Thank God we have each other to run back to and hold and say "You done good!" Love & Peace, Janet