Einstein's Solution contains the two most powerful yet secret mental self-taught skills to unconditionally love our self with the abundance that overflows to enrich the world, i.e. The Golden Rule. When we like our self we become our best friend and traveling companion life long. We own the anti-dote for depression. People who like themselves don't commit suicide. Kids who have self-esteem are bully-proofed and certainly don't become shooters. People who create unconditional love, working together, will be unstoppable in making our world the home we all want. Once you experience the power of these secret love-creation skills, you will be inspired to go to www.lovingmenow.org where you will find 30 recording mental wealth skills that make anyone a Mental-spiritual Wealth Millionaire. They thrive even when the world treats us unfairly. AND Mental Wealth Millionaires, unlike physical-material wealth millionaires, love giving their wisdom away to enrich the world.
Emotional MDR - a case study that illustrates why the secret skills work.
Emotional Self Endorsement - to learn the mental skills that empower you to love yourself with the abundance that overflows to enrich your loved ones and become a Love-creation teacher.
Reasonable Best Test of Self-Worth - These mental skills are secret because society not only does not teach them, it even discourages them. Yet, they are supported by common sense and the one universal standard of behavior taught by every religious and secular group … The Golden Rule, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”