ANWOT = A Newer Way of Thinking, Einstein's solution to make our world the safe, happy, loving, peaceful world we want.
The ANWOT web site provides comprehensive insight into why we fill our world with fear, hate, scarcity, and war when we all want happiness, unconditional love, abundance, and peace. The Educational Community web sites and are suggested introductions to ANWOT.
You will learn the cause of war, the cause of peace and the practical steps to Einstein's solution that will make our world the safe, happy, loving home we wish or pray for. The language created by our ancestors emphasizes patriotic, religious, and political symbols that cause us to think in two categories: right/wrong, good/bad (evil), us/them, win/lose, etc. We will continue to foster prejudice, bigotry, harmful confrontation, and war until we update our language to recognize our connection to a common source and one another. This web site provides the equivalent of a 3 credit college course for individuals committed to make a difference. Find the easy to learn language that changes the way we think; acquire the mental skills that teach loving our self in the abundance that overflows to enrich the world; take the peace quiz that identifies our mission; acquire over 100 powerful skills that make us mental-spiritual wealth millionaires; listen to inspirational music, and much more. The Educational Community goal is to initiate a movement of 1 million love creation heroes that are needed to teach our seven billion population Einstein's solution to peace - a newer way of thinking.