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Memetic Shifts in the Wheel of Co-Creation

Memetic Shifts in the Hub of the Wheel of Co-Creation

The Emerging Worldviews Project


Humanity is creating a planetary crisis for itself and many other forms of life. The crisis is a result of deeply held assumptions about the nature of the universe and our role in it. These assumptions are operating as memes – units of culture that encode and perpetuate beliefs in much the same way as genes encode and perpetuate biological traits.

The Emerging Worldviews Project is aimed at bringing these hidden assumptions to light in order to promote greater understanding about how they inform so many of our human-created systems – economics, justice, agriculture and food, energy, healthcare, education, governance and more – and to help us see more deeply into the underlying systemic causes of our planetary crisis and how they manifest in mutually interconnected ways.

But we also need to see alternatives. To kindle hope, we need a new story – a story whose power is commensurate with the magnitude of the crises we are facing.

The new story is emerging, spontaneously, around the globe. At its heart is the recognition of our fundamental Oneness. The individuals giving voice to this emerging story are often marginalized and suppressed by human systems that can't conceive of ways of being beyond their current memetic foundations. This reaction is much like the caterpillar initially attacking the imaginal cells encoding the blueprint for the butterfly until the imaginal cells become so numerous that the transformation unfolds.

We seek to shine a light on these emerging memes and to support these imaginal cells in their effort to manifest the new story.

This project is undertaken in support of Conscious Evolutionaries Colorado's mission to connect, nurture, and incubate individuals and groups, in every sector of human endeavor, who are responding to their unique evolutionary impulse to consciously contribute to the emergence of a healthier, saner world – a world characterized by cooperation and reverence for all life – a world where no one is left out, everyone has a role to play, and our interests are aligned with the planet.

We have adopted Barbara Marx Hubbard's Wheel of Co-Creation as a way of structuring our exploration. For each sector in the Wheel, we identify memetic shifts from the predominant world-view to the emerging world-view.

Shift the Worldview, Shift the World

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