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New Memes for the Health Care Sector

From Traditional Health Care Memes to Quantum Based Health Care Meme

In Traditional Health Care the focus is on the body as a machine and the isolated presenting symptom. The treatment is determined by current protocol guidelines. In order to remain professional doctors are taught to keep emotional distance from their patients resulting in a band-aid approach. 

In Quantum Based Heath Care the focus is wellness. The patient is seen as a multi-dimensional being, and a collaborative heath care team determines treatment. The doctor and patient mutually impact each other. 

Traditional Health Care Memes            


Quantum Based Health Care Memes   

 Disease Based Compensation


Wellness Based Compensation

Hierarchical Based System


Interdependence Based System

Rigid protocols


Multi-dimensional Perspective

Body as Machine


Multi-dimensional being

Treat Disease


Foster Wellness

Regulated Disease Treatment


Co-creative Effort Decides Treatment

Doctor As Ultimate Authority


Collaborative Relationship

Patients Rely on Doctors for Healing


Patients Responsible For Own Wellness

Undervalued  Nursing Staff 


All Staff Highly Valued 

Well Insured Receive Optimal Care


Optimal health care for all

Disease Driven Pharmaceutical system


Wellness Driven Pharmaceutical System

Advertisement-driven drug information


Education-driven drug information


Disease Based Compensation Becomes Wellness Based Compensation

In Traditional Health Care disease is the overriding focus. Compensation is based on the implementation of the correct protocol.  In Quantum Health Care the wellness of the individual patient becomes the primary focus.  Thus, doctors and hospitals are compensated by how healthy they can keep their patients. 

Hierarchical Based System Becomes Interdependence System

 In Traditional Health Care doctors are typically at the top of the medical hierarchy, and have the final say on a patient's physical treatment.  In Quantum Health Care an interdisciplinary team approach is utilized with each member having respected input, which addresses all aspects of the patient's care. 

Rigid Protocols Becomes Multi-Dimensional Perspective

In Traditional Health Care rigid protocols are in place to direct the physician's decisions.  These decisions are, in turn, enforced by insurance companies, who determine what will or will not be paid. In Quantum Health Care protocols are replaced by a multi-dimensional perspective, which includes both traditional and complementary healing options. Insurance companies would also pay based on wellness options. 

Body as Machine Becomes Multi-dimensional Being

In Traditional Health Care  the body is viewed as a machine having a mechanical breakdown. It is believed that tests will ultimately be able to find the disease, prescribe the treatment, and effect a cure. In Quantum Health Care the inclusion of complementary therapies will view the patient as a multi-dimensional being. As emotions and spirit are included in the care plan, healing can becomes more effective, and longer lasting - especially with chronic issues. 

Treat  Disease Becomes Foster Wellness

In Traditional Health Care treatment is reactive to the patient's current illness. Attention is narrowly focused on the isolated illness or disease. In Quantum based Health Care the focus for each patient is maintaining wellness, and is all inclusive - seeing the patient as a multi-dimensional being whose well-being is a combination of emotional, spiritual, and nutritional as well as physical aspects of the whole person. 

Regulated Disease Treatment Becomes Co-Creative Effort Decides Treatment

In Traditional Health Care the treatment of disease or the current presenting symptom is treated by implementing a protocol(s). These protocols are taught by medical schools and are the on-going guidelines for all doctors. In Quantum Health Care a multi-disciplinary health care team is formed to work with the patient. This team might include nurses, acupuncturists, massage therapists, chiropractor, nutritionist, and both drug and herbal remedies. 

Doctors As Ultimate Authority Becomes Collaborative Relationship

In Traditional Health Care doctors, because of their extensive learning, are placed on a pedestal. The patient abides by all the doctors decisions, and rarely utilize their own intuition and knowledge. In the Quantum Based Health Care both the doctor and patient are educated to engage in a collaborative relationship often in conjunction with a health care team. 

Patients Rely on Doctors for Healing Becomes Patients Responsible for Own Wellness

 In Traditional Health Care most patients rely on their physicians to recommend and carry out appropriate treatment. Often patients desire a drug or a pill that will just "cure" their illness.  In Quantum Health Care patients are well informed about their symptoms and/or illness and accept responsibility for their own wellness using physicians and other healing modalities as resources. 

Undervalued  Nursing Staff Becomes All Staff Highly Valued

 In Traditional Health Care nursing staff are overworked, underpaid and valued only for deliverables, i.e. medication administration.  In Quantum Health Care all staff are highly valued for multiple interactions with patients - controlling pain, offering comfort to both patients and families, and bringing light and joy into each situation. 

Well Insured Receive Optimal Care Becomes Optimal Health Care for All

 In Traditional Health care it is the wealthy who receive optimal treatment. The wealthy can afford the best insurance, thus, giving them a variety of alternatives for the best care.  In Quantum Based Health Care we know that everyone is connected and one person's illness effects the entire field. Thus, optimal health care becomes available to all. 

Disease Driven Pharmaceutical System Becomes Wellness Driven Pharmaceutical System

In Traditional Health Care pharmaceutical companies are driven to find new drugs as cures for disease. In the Quantum Health Care pharmaceutical companies are motivated to develop medication/natural products that can also contribute to a person's wellness. Food and herbs will be grown and used as both an integral, wellness based aspect of treatment as well as a method to target more specific needs. Combining food, drugs, and exercise or physical therapy as needed will more easily supply the body what it needs to live a happy, healthy life. 

Advertisement Driven Drug Information Becomes Education Driven Drug Information

 In Traditional Health Care advertising has created demand specific drugs, leading patients guessed-based diagnosis and uniformed requests to physicians for new prescriptions. Natural and complementary options are not given. In Quantum Health Care advertising will take the form of education, and  a well-informed public will incorporate that knowledge into the decision making process of their own healthcare. 

Co-created by Angela Duck, Certified Herbalist;  Dr. Nauman Neeman, Valerie Wilhelm, MSN, RN; and Laurie Hyland

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