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Governance - trying to remake the world; not trying to save the world
In 2007, Richmond, California was America's 9th most dangerous city. Desperate for a different approach to law enforcement, new police chief Chris Magnus fired bad cops, suspended all stop-and-frisks, and improved community relations. City Hall also launched an experimental program that identifies residents most likely to commit serious crimes and provides them with a mentor and a monthly stipend of $300-$1,000. Richmond's homicide rate has since dropped by 66%--the lowest in 33 years. Officer involved shootings also declined to less than one a year. Share because this is what good policing looks like!
One of the best speeches ever produced in a movie!
I can't embed this video but go watch it anyway. Very thought provoking.
The first executive director at Tucson-based National Institute for...
Secret Santa in Kansas City - a heart-touching story - this country has never seen
Not a video but a great article.
In 2007, Richmond, California was America's 9th most dangerous city. Desperate for a different approach to law enforcement, new police chief Chris Magnus fired bad cops, suspended all stop-and-frisks, and improved community relations. City Hall also launched an experimental program that identifies residents most likely to commit serious crimes and provides them with a mentor and a monthly stipend of $300-$1,000. Richmond's homicide rate has since dropped by 66%--the lowest in 33 years. Officer involved shootings also declined to less than one a year. Share because this is what good policing looks like!