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New Memes for the Environment Sector

New Memes for the Environmental Sector

From Traditional Environment Memes to Quantum Based Environment Memes

For hundreds of years, humanity's view of Earth has been rooted in mechanistic, Newtonian assumptions that human beings are separate from nature and that Earth is a lifeless, purposeless object serving only as a bundle of natural resources to be exploited for human gain. These assumptions have fostered an economic system in which the accumulation of money has become the highest purpose. A system that extracts natural resources at an ever-accelerating pace and uses energy intensive, polluting industrial processes to transform them into finished goods with ever-shorter lifetimes before they are thrown away. A system that acts as if natural resources were inexhaustible, Earth is immune to human impacts and technology can fix whatever goes wrong.

 A new story is emerging... one rooted in Quantum assumptions that recognize our fundamental Oneness with all creation. A story that places us in the context of 14 billion years of evolutionary unfolding – a living universe giving birth to and sustaining a living Earth that has given birth to and sustains all life in a rich, interconnected, diverse web. A story that, rather than subjugating nature to human goals, sees our highest purpose as consciously contributing to this unfolding story towards a planetary organism exhibiting cooperation at ever greater scale, complexity, consciousness and love. Point solutions to separate environmental crises give way to holistic solutions that address the deep systemic causes of our planetary crises. We learn from nature, not to exploit it, but to honor and emulate it. Our linear processes that extract, transform, pollute, consume and discard give way to cyclical systems in which there is no waste, just nutrient streams. 

Traditional Environment Memes            

Quantum Based Environment Memes   

Planet Is Subjugated to Human Authority


Humankind Is In A Sacred, Loving Partnership with All Creation

Profit & Instant Gratification Are The Priority


People, Planet, Profit and Presence

Natural Resources Are Inexhaustible


Natural Resources Are Valued As Finite

Humankind Is Separate from Nature


We Are Part of One Planetary Organism

Earth is immune to human impact


We Are One with Earth in Interdependence.

Technology Can Fix Whatever Goes Wrong


Technology in Service of Natural Cycles

Linear Extract, Transform, Discard


Cyclical. Waste Becomes a Resource.

Compete to Survive


Collaborate to Thrive.

The Universe Is Static


Evolutionary Potential Is Unbounded.

Monoculture As Foundation of Our Food Supply


Diversity Ensures Health and Resilience

Earth Is a Lifeless Object


Earth Is a Living Expression of Divine Multi-Dimensional Energy


Planet Is Subjugated To Human Authority Becomes Humankind Is In A Sacred, Loving Partnership with All Creation

 In the Mechanistic Worldview the planet is a non-living object to be used for humankind’s purpose. People are separate from Earth and live in the planet with no sense of relationship or responsibility toward it. In the Quantum Worldview people have come to recognize Earth as a living sacred being in and of itself.  With this new view, humankind knows itself as inseparable from the oneness of all (including Earth). The sense of separation from Earth is healed people live in sacred partnership. 

Profit & Instant Gratification Are the Priority Becomes People, Planet, Profit And Presence

 Fear driven, heartless Human ambition striving for more power, money, and control reigns supreme, is idolized, and even globally celebrated. Void of concern for present and future cost or damage absorbed by our planet or its inhabitants. Now, after acknowledging, and releasing the fear, as well as our illusion of separateness, we turn to our hearts and allow our love of the earth, humanity, and our children to inform each of our present and defining choices co-creating a fully thriving, interconnected, and sustainable world. Infusing every day with a continuous stream of gratitude, unconditional love, and caring, nurturing ourselves and our oneness in every present moment that infinitely ripples out into the each new far and distant future. Eventually measuring the time we spend on this earth by the heart print, rather than the foot print, we leave behind. 

Natural Resources Are Inexhaustible Becomes Natural Resources Are Valued As Finite

 The balance of Earths precious resources are being consumed and manipulated in haste, as if there was an endless supply for everyone, for all eternity. With all the forethought of a greedy, spoilt, and selfish child. The concepts of "Mine" and "I want" have run amuck over the entire planet on track to destroy our very existence.

 Now, having reached a more enlightened sense of maturity, and responsibility, in care and well-being of our home, our communities, and our earth. We have not only created more reliable practices and techniques to achieve measurably more positive results, we have also discovered a more accurate and precise awareness and abilities that makes it possible to insure the  preservation, replacement, and refreshment, of our waters , soil, air, forests, vegetation, wildlife, animal kingdom, mountains, minerals, and all life forming earth energies.  Earth is valued and protected along with each of its fragile resources. We celebrate the earth and all it's life supporting gifts everyday. As a highly evolved race of humans we have now blossomed into a powerful resource of benefit to the earth as much as it has always been for us. 

Humankind Is Separate from Nature Becomes We Are Part of One Planetary Organism

 In the current mechanistic world we humans perceive ourselves as being separate from nature, the environment, animal beings, and resources – organic and inorganic.  The ecosystem is outside ourselves and can therefore be ignored, exploited and/or considered someone else’s problem. If we can see the world through a quantum paradigm we perceive ourselves as human kind having a shared fate within one planetary membrane where we are in constant interaction and collaboration with nature, sentient beings and organic and inorganic resources.  We experience ourselves in oneness.  We are a whole planetary organism in which each individual is an intrinsic part. 

Earth Is Immune to Human Impact Becomes We Are One with Earth in Interdependence

 Earth is expected to continually nurture and protect us while enduring a survival mission brought about by all the ravaging destruction we impose upon her. Believing, she alone will bear all the digging, drilling, spilling, gassing, polluting, exploding , and careless behavior we cast recklessly upon her. Foolishly, believing she will never stop nurturing us and that she will somehow allow us to escape unscathed.

 A new day dawns, celebrating the true nature and symbiotic union of man with earth, of ego with essence, of dark with light, birthing ourselves as enlightened beings who see our true selves as an interdependent part of one larger, living, and breathing organism. With the emergence of our renewed power for goodness, we now co-create a shift in all human and planetary awareness. Awakening to rescue each other  from the vulnerable state we have placed ourselves in, along with the earth, and all her treasures. Using our collective potentiality, to transform, into a fully connected, healthy, loving, and thriving life force which lives in service and benefit of the whole. 

Technology Can Fix Whatever Goes Wrong Becomes Technology in Service of Natural Cycles

In the mechanistic world we are able to ignore the signs of environmental destruction such as adverse weather patterns: drought, floods and rising oceans and the call to stop abusing resources like oil and forests because of an assumption that our technologies and the brilliant human minds behind them will come up with a fix for our critical problems proving once again that we can control nature and its resources.  When we look beyond the Band-Aid approach of technology fixes with a quantum perspective we can see that technology has the power and gifts to serve the evolutionary processes. By using technology to attune to the natural cycles of nature we can begin to treat nature, technology and consciousness as sacred elements of co-creation. 

Linear Extract, Transform, Discard Becomes Cyclical. Waste Becomes a Resource.

Since the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing processes have followed a linear model. Natural resources are extracted and transformed using heat and/or chemical methods to create goods that are used (perhaps just once!) and then thrown “away” as waste. Toxins and pollution are produced at each stage. Growth fuels accelerated depletion of natural resources and corresponding increases in pollution and waste. Recycling is typically just “downcycling,” merely postponing the landfill destiny by a usage cycle or two. But there is no “away” anymore. In the Quantum worldview, the processes by which we make things are redesigned to mimic those of nature.  There is no waste, simply cyclical nutrient streams. The outputs of one process become “food” for another process. Growth fuels the overall health of the global organism. 

Compete to Survive becomes Collaborate to Thrive.

The arc of evolution is the story of cooperation evolving at ever greater scales and complexity. Competition between organisms has fostered collaboration within organisms. The boundaries (membrane) of the organism define the scope of collaboration – from bacteria to multi-cellular to plants to animals to humans. At all stages,  internal elements of an organism are not in competition with one another; because all share the same fate, and hence, the same overall purpose. As competition at global scale brings us face-to-face with global limits, awareness grows that we are all in this together. As we recognize our Oneness, our membrane extends to the entire Earth. Competition gives way to the emergence of a global supra-human organism in which no one is left out, everyone has a role to play, and everyone’s interests are aligned with each other’s interests and with the planet. 

The Universe Is Static Becomes Evolutionary Potential Is Unbounded.

When we see reality through the mechanistic worldview our perceptions are so narrow that we operate as if our fate as individuals and the planet is sealed. What we see is all there is, ever has been and ever will be. Humankind is victim of circumstances including past actions and dire projections into the future.  In the quantum worldview we know that consciousness creates our reality.  Whatever we can as a human species imagine is possible.  Crises in the universe become evolutionary potential unbounded when a co-creative consciousness underlies our decision-making process. 

Monoculture As Foundation of Our Food Supply Becomes Diversity Ensures Health and Resilience

Our unnaturally man-made food system is built on an seclusive economical model of monoculture, underutilizing vast expanses of rich soil and undervalued farming labor. Disregarding our own health as well as the plight of the bees, butterflies, tiny ground creatures, and organisms that effects the reproductive cycle our earth depends upon. Prostituting our land to solicit money making crops such as soy beans and corn to be sold as disease causing synthetic food, bi-products, and fillers.

Now growing, out of the infancy of our evolution, we uphold a commitment to a sustainable permaculture model which relies on the nourishment of the whole for the survival of each of its parts. Re-establishing rich Biodynamic Diversity, reversing extinction, rejoicing once again in a bountiful abundant food supply that produces more than enough to feed every living man, woman, and child, and abolishing hunger forever. Ensuring the collective health and resilience of the earth, as well all it's human, animal, energetic, and organic inhabitants. 

Earth Is a Lifeless Object Becomes Earth Is a Living Expression of Divine Multi-Dimensional Energy

In the mechanistic worldview Earth has no living energy, but instead is inert and unresponsive to humankind’s actions.  Whereas in the quantum worldview Earth is seen a gift from the divine to be treated with respect for all the energy manifestations that nurture all peoples.  Multi-dimensional energies come from each plant, each animal, each rock, the oceans and the mountains. 

Co-Created by Kathleen Brigidina Haerr, Steve Melville, Judith Blackburn, Claudia Haman and Laurie Hyland

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