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New Memes for the Education Sector

From Traditional Education Memes to Quantum Based Education Memes 

In Traditional Education the emphasis is on memorizing a set content to prepare for standardized testing. Labeling of students creates a narrow future path, as burned-out teachers are hampered by limited teacher training.

In Quantum-Based Education teachers and students co-create curriculums to enhance creativity, honor diversity, and prepare students to create new jobs. Teaching is student centered rather than test oriented.

Traditional Education Memes            

Quantum Based Education Memes   

 Content Based Learning


Project Based Learning

 Memorization as a Priority


Problem Solving/Critical Thinking Curriculum

Creativity Is Undeveloped


Deep honoring of each one's creativity and diversity

Trained for Old Jobs


Students Prepared to create new evolutionary jobs

Old Protocols with Rigid Curriculums


Experiential Inquiry-Based Education

Top-Down Bureaucratic System


Creative Student Driven Education

Labels Lead to Division


Multiple Intelligences Expand Worldview

Fear-Based System Leads to Teacher Burnout


Teaching As a Sacred Vocation

Limited Teacher Training


Holistic, Open Hearted, Open Minded Teacher Training

Narrow, Localized Definition of Learning


Learning Is Lifelong, Global and Expansive

Teachers Are the Ultimate Authority


Student/Teacher Collaboration

 Testing Proves Competency


Holistic Evaluation and Motivation

Content Learning Becomes Project Based Learning

Traditional Education as it merged with Newtonian Physics became a system that was taught from a linear and rational viewpoint. Thus, this system is inflexible, closed and static. The Quantum Worldview allows for project-based which calls forth all of the student’s creativity and talents. Project-based learning opens the student to their own unlimited potential.

Memorization As a Priority Becomes Problem Solving/Critical Thinking Curriculum

Traditional Education uses memorization as the primary teaching technique.  Testing memorization skills makes it easy to measure the student’s progress. In the Quantum-Based Education problem solving and critical thinking become the primary teaching techniques. While harder to measure, the students’ world is opened to more exploration and makes use of all the creativity each student has. 

Creativity Is Undeveloped Becomes Deep Honoring of Each One’s Creativity and Diversity

In Traditional Education narrow modes of learning are taught, thus undermining each student’s inherent creativity and thinking skills.  In Quantum-Based Education the teacher is honoring diverse modes of learning and encouraging the creativity within those modes.

Students Trained for Old Jobs Becomes Students Prepared to Create New Evolutionary Jobs

Traditional Education has not yet caught up with our new world, and thus students are trained for many jobs that no longer exist, or will cease to exist in the future.  Quantum-Based Education focuses on each student’s problem solving and critical thinking ability to prepare them to create new jobs for a new world.

 Old Protocols with Rigid Curriculums Becomes Experiential-Inquiry Based Education

Traditional Education, in sync with a rational Newton worldview, has created a step by step learning process which adheres to standardized Common Core curriculum.  In contrast Quantum-Based Education adds a deeper dimension of experiential and inquiry based education furthering each student’s problem and critical thinking abilities.

Top-down Bureaucratic System Becomes Creative Student-Driven Education

Traditional Education comes from the top-down, from national developed curriculum passed from superintendents to principals, and finally to teachers.  This curriculum must be followed to meet national standards. These standards are then reinforced by test scores. In Quantum-Based Education, student needs become the driving force for the more individualized curriculum. The question is asked: What does this student need to develop all aspects of self?

Labels Lead to Division Becomes Multiple Intelligences Expand Worldview

Traditional Education depends heavily on test scores to identify intelligence and ability. This leads to labeling students in categories, i.e. the gifted, the mediocre student, and the student who won’t make it.  This in turn, often leads to the gifted student “dumbing down” in order to fit in. Those who are not good test takers, or need another system of learning, can create behavior problems for themselves and others.  In the Quantum-Based Education each student is assumed to have multiple intelligences which can be tapped to enhance self-esteem, creating a learning atmosphere where all students succeed.

Fear-Based System Leads to Teacher Burnout Becomes Teaching as a Sacred Vocation

In Traditional Education teachers are forced to follow a rigid curriculum, which must lead to their students producing adequate or above average test scores.  A teacher who cannot accomplish this, risks losing their job; their own creativity in teaching is held back, and they often suffer burn-out and move out of teaching as a career.  In Quantum-Based Education, teaching is seen and felt as a sacred vocation; success is beyond rigid requirements, and creativity is unleashed.

 Limited Teacher Training Becomes Holistic, Open Hearted, Open Minded Teacher Training.

In Traditional Education teacher training in limited to a rational, cause and effect, i.e. teach for test scores and students will do well.  In Quantum-Based Education system teacher training is holistic, learning a variety of methods to elicit open-hearted, open-minded and creative students.

Narrow, Localized Definition of Learning Becomes Learning is Lifelong, Global, and Expansive

In Traditional Education a narrow view of learning focuses on ages and locations, putting students and teachers in particular boxes.  In Quantum-Based Education, the assumption is that learning can happen anywhere, anytime, anyplace.  Learning is life-long and there is always opportunity to use one’s creativity and genius.

Teacher Are the Ultimate Authority Becomes Student-Teacher Collaboration

In Traditional Education teachers are the ultimate authority in testing, grading, curriculum development and classroom atmosphere. In Quantum-Based Education the students collaborate with the teacher to develop a broader learning atmosphere based on the individual student’s background, cultural and level of abilities. 

Testing Proves Competency Becomes Holistic Evaluation and Motivation

In Traditional Education student testing determines students’ competency and their level intelligence.  This, then, sets a future path for each student.  In Quantum-Based Education, while testing is still a means of measurement, it does not exclude recognition of a student’s creativity or talent.  A holistic approach, then, helps guide a student’s future path.

Co-created by:  Kundi Hess, Laurie Hyland, Claudia Haman.

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  • "testing is still a means of measurement, it does not exclude recognition of a student’s creativity or talent.  A holistic approach, then, helps guide a student’s future path."

    Holistic testing could include kinesiology, and other unorthodox methods, as well as more physical testing, experiential, project based testing.

    I'm not even sure testing still has a place in Quantum-Based Education, it should not be necessary in a well balanced, student orientated system.

  • "Testing memorization skills makes it easy to measure the student’s progress" - Testing does not measure progress, it mesures memory.  Mostly fairly short-term memory as the student's aim is to remember only long enough to be able to answer the test correctly.

    My Extra-Ocular Vision children ( all children can do this) learn to access information differently.  During tests they can "read" the answers non-locally in their books ( which they might have left at home, or might not have even bothered to read!) and during lessons, they are trained to be "ahead" of the teacher's words, knowing what the teacher is transmitting before the teacher says it.  They are accessing the same "memory/information cloud" as the teacher.

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