From Traditional Economic Memes to Quantum Based Economic Memes
In Traditional Economics the influence of the Newtonian/Darwinian Worldview developed a rigid belief system. These memes have become the way our economic beliefs appeared in capitalistic world, both personally and globally.
The Quantum Economy gives us permission to create an new economic belief system. This new system is based on our connection with everyone and our unlimited potential for creativity and collaboration.
Traditional Economic Rules |
Quantum Economic Rules | |
Closed, Static, Linear System |
Becomes |
Dynamic, Open, Active System |
Maximization of Utility |
Becomes |
Holistic Utility |
People Are Rational |
Becomes |
People Are Multidimensional |
Labor as Commodity |
Becomes |
Labor as Resource |
Equilibrium of Supply and Demand |
Becomes |
Expanded Supply and Demand |
Profit Maximization |
Becomes |
Profit Optimization |
Shareholders’ Profit |
Becomes |
Stakeholders’ Profit |
Business Cycles |
Becomes |
Business Progression |
Free Market |
Becomes |
Flowing Exchange |
Social Safety Net |
Becomes |
Conscientious Connection |
Gross Domestic Product |
Becomes |
Gross Satisfaction Indicator |
Finite Resources |
Becomes |
Unlimited Potential |
Predictability |
Becomes |
Adaptation and Learning |
Deficit Spending |
Becomes |
Dynamic Spending |
Laissez faire Distribution |
Becomes |
Responsive Distribution |
Fear |
Becomes |
Confidence |
A Closed, Static, Linear System Becomes a Dynamic, Open, Active System
Traditional Economics, as it merged with Newtonian Physics, became a system that was locked in place becoming inflexible, closed and static. Since the Quantum Worldview allows for less predictability, an economic system under this philosophy becomes dynamic and open. This new system will have unlimited potential for the economy.
Maximization of Utility Becomes Holistic Utility.
In Traditional Economics utility was a term used to measure pleasure or pain. This simply meant that everyone was out to enable their own happiness by their choices of material possessions. Now measurements are available to calculate one's holistic satisfaction with life. In the Quantum Worldview this new measurement that would be used.
People Are Rational Becomes People Are Multidimensional.
Traditional Economics has long stood on the rule that people act in a rational manner. In the Quantum Worldview decisions happen as ongoing exchanges of information from multiple sources. This information is gathered through all the senses—mentally, kinesthetically, and spiritually. A multidimensional integration happens. Being multidimensional—curious, open, creative—gives a wider range of possibilities, even in our economic lives.
Labor as Commodity Becomes Labor as Resource.
In Traditional Economics labor was a commodity. How much output can a person—who is also viewed as a machine—produce in a day? In the Quantum Worldview everyone is connected and has potential for immense creativity. In this new world employees are a resource, a resource that is now thrown aside during an economic downturn. In the Quantum Economy, employees would be cherished for potential creativity to help solve current issues.
Equilibrium of Supply and Demand Becomes Expanded Supply and Demand.
Traditional Economics developed the concept of the equilibrium of supply and demand. Prices of material goods control supply and demand, and theoretically balance the marketplace. In Quantum Economics we can notice something different; we notice expanded supply and demand. In the Quantum Economy this expanded supply and demand is a supply of goods that encompasses the entire range of human needs. This would provide a greater stability and equilibrium than just the equilibrium of material goods.
Profit Maximization Becomes Profit Optimization.
Under the old meme, profit maximization is the unquestioned premise to which all businesses adhere. It is the reason to exist. Companies are under the gun to lay off employees to become even more profitable in a market downturn. In the Quantum Economy the new meme becomes Profit Optimization. Profit Optimization looks not only at money as profit, but also at people as a gifted resource, and as a rule does not lay people off in difficult times. It honors workers as people. and not as machines.
Shareholders’ Profit Becomes Stakeholders’ Profit.
In Traditional Economics corporations are strictly accountable to shareholders, with little or no accountability to their employees. By expanding shareholders to stakeholders to include employees, an image shift could happen. Stakeholders would share a commitment not only to profit, but to each other, the environment, and the larger community. Stakeholders would know that, since we are all connected, expanding their concerns would eventually reap the same, if not more, profits.
Business Cycles Becomes Business Progression.
Tradition Economics assumes and accepts the volatility of the business cycle, and is unable to provide adequate solutions to the cost of human livelihoods. In the Quantum Economy all sectors of the economy intervene when the cycle begins a downturn. Since we are all connected companies would be committed to engage all employees’ creativity to deal with the crisis. An economic downturn would be less harsh and the economy could keep on a fairly steady pace… a progression instead of a cycle.
Free Market Becomes Flowing Exchange
In Traditional Economics "hands off" the market is the underlying rule, although softened some by government intervention. In Quantum Economics we might begin to see Flowing Exchange rather than a Free-Market system. Giving and receiving or flowing exchange is an inherent part of the universe. It is a matter of creating an economic world that follows the universal operation of dynamic exchange where nothing is done in isolation. Every interaction becomes collaborative.
Social Safety Net Becomes Conscientious Connection.
Traditional Economics has enabled Social Safety Nets as acceptable government intervention. This topic is always under continuous dissension. For some, it is considered a burden to sacrifice to provide for the welfare of others. If we realize that we are connected to everyone, the Social Safety Nets become Conscientious Connection. The connection we have with each other overrides our own self-interest.
Gross Domestic Product Becomes Gross Satisfaction Indicator
In Traditional Economics the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the health and progress of the economy. However, it only measures material items. In Quantum Economics this measurement becomes Gross Satisfaction Index. There are now sophisticated surveys available to measure all areas of life, including leisure time, artistic pursuits, and the need to collaborate and use one’s creativity. It is time to create new metrics and measurements that include total satisfaction with one’s life.
Finite Resources Becomes Unlimited Potential.
Traditional economics has depended on consumer demand continuing to grow, and has created artificial physical needs. Of course it is true that oil will not last forever, nor can our planet continue on the path of increased environmental pollution. The Quantum economy prioritizes creativity and connectivity above materialism. This blossoming creativity is an infinite and unlimited resource.
Predictability Becomes Adaptation and Learning.
We know that Traditional Economics views predictability as a result of cause and effect. This has encouraged a mindset in all of us that if we can just plan carefully enough, the outcome will be predictable. Yet, in the world Quantum Economics, adaptation, learning, flexibility and creativity become the overriding priorities.
Deficit Spending Becomes Dynamic Spending.
Traditional Economics holds that deficit spending is largely a negative solution. While national and individual debt can be concerning, in the Quantum Economy job creation and the maximization of creativity have priority over deficit reduction. Money is about giving and receiving, not about withholding in order to justify an old rule that says deficits are always unacceptable.
Laissez-faire Distribution Becomes Responsive Distribution.
In Traditional Economics "hand off" or laissez-faire became the harden meme. While Adam Smith did not intend it, the offshoot of capitalism over the years has become individualistic materialism. In the Quantum Economy, where everyone is connected, this hardened meme can be replaced with responsive distribution, or resources allocated to where they are needed.
Co-created by Claudia Haman and Laurie Hyland
Business Sector
Corporations are the most powerful human institutions on the planet. On a global scale, business shapes how resources get consumed, transformed, distributed, and discarded. It determines the ends to which a prodigious amount of human energy and creativity gets directed. The current business model is informed by assumptions or memes that are so deeply seated as to be nearly invisible. These memes are rooted in a mechanistic, Newtonian world view that sees humanity as separate from nature and exploits both human and natural resources in the pursuit of monetary profit as its ultimate purpose. As a result of these assumptions, this powerful, global force is driving our species and many planetary systems to the brink of catastrophic collapse.
But our economic system is a human creation and these memes are born of human ideas not Universal Law. Imagine if this global force could be re-directed away from its destructive path? What if human energy and creativity were channeled away from the pursuit of money as an end in itself and towards the purpose of enhancing the health of our planetary body? Just as a living body can only be healthy if its systems function cooperatively, our planetary body (including us as individuals integrated in one planetary organism) can only be healthy if it functions more cooperatively than competitively.
Imagine if, at its heart, business shifted its primary purpose to enabling our planetary organism to progress towards its highest evolutionary potential. It is through the eyes of the Quantum Worldview – the world of Divine Oneness and unlimited potential – that our old economic assumptions can be transformed. We hope the following new memes will inspire a deeper inquiry into how we can all transform the institution of business.
Traditional Business Memes
Quantum Based Business Memes
Insatiable Greed for Maximization of Profit
Enrichment Through Serving Shared Destiny
Nature is Separate and Exploited
Business Operates As Steward of The Earth
Jobs versus The Environment
Serving People, Profit, Planet and Presence
Delusion That Natural Resources Are Unlimited
Business Embraces Inherent Value of Natural Resources
People Are Costs and Disposable
No One Is Left Out
Business Is Soulless Machine
Business Is Living, Soulful Organism
Mine, Manufacture and Throw Away
Use and Reuse without Waste
Technology Displaces People
Technology Enriches Our Inter-connections
Fear Based Autocratic Decision-Making
Heart Centered Inclusive Decision-Making
Competing for Finite Resources
Thriving, Abundant Living Through Cooperation
Business Perceived as "The Bad Guy"
Business Appreciated for Distributing Earth’s Bounty
Money is a Tool Used for Power Over
Money Is Reciprocal Giving and Receiving
Business is Blind to Divine Oneness
Divine Oneness Enlightens and Guides Business
Insatiable Greed for Maximization of Profit Becomes Enrichment through Serving Shared Destiny
In Traditional Business, profit has become the raison d'être and the primary goal of a business enterprise. The fixation on profit is systemic; indoctrinated in business schools and mandated by corporate governance. Profit becomes the justification for short-term thinking, unhealthy growth, inflexible management and insatiable greed. The few who benefit are largely unaware of the impact of toxic business practices. In Quantum Business profit is treated as a restraining condition, but the raison d'être shifts to serving humanity’s shared destiny and evolutionary potential. That becomes the new "bottom line" measurement of success.
Nature Is Separate and Exploited Becomes Business Operates as Steward of the Earth
In Traditional Business, nature is perceived to be separate from human life and therefore exploitable by business operations. The sense of isolation and dehumanization leaves people disenfranchised from the natural world. Quantum Business understands the critical role business plays in the stewardship of the earth and its natural resources and uses that understanding as guidance for its operations.
Jobs versus the Environment Becomes Jobs Serve People, Profit, Planet and Presence
Traditional Business asserts that care for the environment can only come with the loss of jobs. Money spent for environment care cost business dollars that could be spent on hiring more people. Quantum Business recognizes the miracles that emerge when exclusive focus on the one "p," profit, shifts to include serving people (employees, customers, and communities), planet (ecosystems and other species), and presence (the divine essence that unifies all life in oneness). The unfailing principle of abundance creates a synergistic effect in which the whole system thrives, and everyone is included.
Delusion That Natural Resources Are Unlimited Becomes Business Embraces Inherent Value of Natural Resources
In Traditional Business, natural resources – clean air, potable water, living beings – are only recognized as having value based on their potential to be exploited. Balance sheets place little or no value on natural resources – a living whale or redwood tree is worthless, whereas a dead whale or tree is worth thousands of dollars. In Quantum Business, natural resources are properly valued for enriching life and their health and diversity are recognized as being essential to life's on-going evolution.
People Are Costs and Disposable Becomes No One Is Left Out
Traditional business, with its exclusive focus on profit-making/profit-taking, typically sees human resources as costs to be minimized. Layoffs increase stock prices and large segments of the world's population are cast aside as not being essential to the profit-making machinery. In Quantum business, when the goal is expanded to focus on maximizing life's evolutionary potential, we discover everyone matters, and everyone has their own unique role to play – just as do the cells and organs of a living organism.
Business Is a Soulless Machine Becomes Business Is a Living, Soulful Organism
Traditional Business is like a machine where processes are fixed and rigid. Employees are treated like cogs or gears that are easily replaced. Customers are considered market segments that generate revenue. This produces a field of consciousness that feels devoid of meaning and asleep to the vibrancy of life. Quantum Business is recognized to be a living, conscious, organism that moves as a collective consciousness, a soul with a purpose. Employees are recognized as a "work community" creating a quantum leap from "doing work" to "consciously co-creating." Customers are part of a living ecosystem in which value (life energy) is exchanged in service to the needs of the whole.
Mine, Manufacture and Throw Away Becomes Use and Reuse Without Waste
The Traditional Business Model is fundamentally linear. The model starts with the exploitation of natural resources that are turned into finished goods that are then consumed and finally thrown "away" as waste, with additional waste and toxins created as intermediate by-products. We have become ever more efficient at turning natural resources into waste, while externalizing the costs of handling the waste and toxins to society. The Quantum Business broadens its scope to embrace the entire cycle of life – from the preservation of natural resources, to the conscious design of products that create interconnected nutrient streams instead of waste. There is no "away" anymore.
Technology Displaces People Becomes Technology Enriches our Inter-Connection
With its exclusive focus on monetary profits, the Traditional Business sees technology as a vehicle for reducing costs by displacing people through, for example, automation and robotics. The technology divide broadens the gap between the haves and the have-nots. In Quantum Business, technology is a means of evolutionary convergence that enriches the unique individuation of our deepest humanity and enables our interconnection as a collective planetary brain-mind-heart supra-organism.
Fear Based Autocratic Decision-Making Becomes Heart Centered Inclusive Decision-Making
In Traditional Business, decision making is fear based and autocratic. No matter what level of management decisions are made, everyone is subservient to earnings goals and autocratic rules of operation. In Quantum Business, decision making is evolutionary. It is comprehensive in scope, considering long-range implications. Decision making processes are informed by the needs of the whole and guided by a sense of our innate oneness.
Competing for Finite Resources Becomes Thriving, Abundant Living Through Cooperation
In Traditional Business there is a scarcity mindset, where there are always winners and always losers. There is never enough for everyone to have what they need. The competitive way of life is a fundamental value. "We have to get there first, be better, and have more." This is what keeps us safe. In Quantum Business the mindset is one of abundance which is ensured through cooperation and collaboration. Everyone has their basic needs met, and thrives in the co-creation of business interactions.
Business Perceived as "The Bad Guy" Becomes Business Appreciated for Distributing Earth’s Bounty
In Traditional Business, corporations are often seen as corrupt and greedy. They are seen as the ‘bad guys" when lay-offs happen, and when environmental concerns are ignored. Business has a narrow view of its role in society. In Quantum Business, the power of markets is harnessed to effectively match the needs of people and planet with goods and services. The public’s view of business shifts to one of deep appreciation for enabling solutions to emerge creatively without centralized control.
Money is a Tool Used for Power over Becomes Money is Reciprocal Giving and Receiving
In Traditional Business, money is viewed as an object to be accumulated and an end in itself – the more the better. This promotes separation, hierarchical power structures, and a sense of scarcity. In Quantum Business money enables giving, receiving and free-flowing exchange. This exchange is inherent in the unified field, and has been given to humankind as a gift to meet our needs. Money connects us to each other, strengthening our unfolding evolutionary potential.
Business is Blind to Divine Oneness Becomes Divine Oneness Enlightens and Guides Business
In Traditional Business culture, Oneness is ignored. The desire to respect religious differences of employees, customers and shareholders leads to denying the universal reality of Oneness in all religions and science. In Quantum Business, regardless of religious differences, the love and wisdom of Divine Oneness permeate and guide the collective business culture. The deeper principle of universal Oneness and eternal love leads to the inquiry, "How can our business best express the Divine Oneness in service to all of life and the evolution of humanity?"
Co-created by: John Thomas, Conscious Business Coordinator, Humanity’s Team; Former Director, Intel
Steve Melville, Director, Oracle Corporation
Hank Queen, Founding Partner, Collective Wisdom Institute; Former Boeing Executive.
Laurie Hyland, Founder Evolutionary Money; Retired Financial Planner, Investment Advisor
Claudia Haman, Consultant and Educator; Retired Project Manager