Steve Farrell and John Thomas shared historical developments today in this interview with their Humanity's Team colleague, Anna-Mari Pieterse and Craig Elkins, a Conscious Business founding donor. From Wednesday's launch of the Conscious Business Declaration to preparations for training and certification of Conscious Business practitioners, this interview marks a major milestone in the global transformation of institutions, starting with business.
Listening to this interview may inspire you to join others who are stepping up with funding critical to growing this movement. If you are in a position to make a gift of $500 or more, please join Steve and John for a virtual salon next Thursday, Feb. 25, at 10 a.m. Find more information on the salon below.
Listen to the replay here:
Replay Page:
Password: Spheres
Here are only a few of the quotes and comments that came in during the call:
"We are creating a revolution in business worldwide. If business is pointed in the wrong direction, we are in trouble. We are going to the lead car, business, to create profits through healthy endeavors." -- Steve Farrell
"We're at a point now where what's most emergent is spiritual activism, where our personal inner experience actually bursts out. Oneness becomes who we are, and business becomes an expression of that." -- John Thomas
"I can't think of anything more important than to move this program forward and to get those change agents out there, working with business leaders, shifting the way business is running right now." -- Craig Elkins
Now is the time for us to join together on the conscious business field! Thanks for this informative call Steve, John and team! Jeff in Naples
I just signed the Conscious Business Declaration and I'm going to share it with my friends and colleagues. We are making history! Louise - Portland
More on the Conscious Business Virtual Salon
Thursday, Feb. 25, at 10 a.m. Pacific
Steve and John will host a 90-minute virtual salon to raise the critical funds to launch the Conscious Business Initiative. This intimate gathering is for donors ready to contribute $500 or more to boost the initiative into orbit. Special guest Barbara Marx Hubbard also will be joining us. Someone has already offered to match donations up to $20,000, so we're already off to a great start. If you are in a position to make a gift of $500 or more, please consider joining the salon. To RSVP, or to learn more about financially nurturing the initiative at any level, please e-mail Carol Ryan at If you know someone we should invite to this event; please contact Carol.
Business, as the most powerful institution on the planet by far, is uniquely positioned and must now rise to the occasion of global reconstruction. Individuals and business leaders like you are joining to bring about this shift. The time to transform business is now. We're asking everyone to put their values into action at an unprecedented level. Help us launch Conscious Business.
We hope that you enjoy this program as much as we do!
In Oneness and joy,
Your Friends at Humanity's Team
P.S. To gain full access to our programs join Community Circle
If you ever need assistance with any aspect of the Living in Oneness programs, please contact our support team We will be happy to assist you.
We are very excited about our next Oneness in 12 Spheres of Life call about Oneness and Economics. Our special guest is David Brabham. Be sure to join this thought provoking conversation with us on Thursday, February 12th!
What does racecar driving have to do with Oneness, you may ask. For racecar driver David Brabham, who has read Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations with God books and wears a Humanity's Team logo patch on his racing jacket, he would say a lot. And if he has anything to say about it, the sport of racecar driving will continue to be connected to Oneness.
Humanity’s Team partners with The Foundation for Conscious Evolution to bring you these monthly conference calls focusing on Oneness in the 12 Spheres of Life. Barbara Marx Hubbard will join us as co-host during this call.
Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on Thursday, February 12th at 10am Los Angeles, CA USA time!
To find the time in your area, go to:
David's vision statement: The return of the iconic and historic Brabham name to racing will be done in a way that reflects oneness and collective thinking, to take on the world in a racing environment, which is normally dominated by secrecy, mistrust and disconnect to the fan. Brabham Racing will challenge the way people think and it will also show, in real life through our Brabham-Digital experience, the advantages in running our business as an open and transparent platform. This is about more than just racing to win, it is to win but for a higher purpose.
David won the American Le Mans Series in 2009 and 2010. He also competed in Formula One, racing for the Brabham and Simtek teams in 1990 and 1994 respectively. David is the youngest son of three-time Formula One world champion Sir Jack Brabham.
We’ll be taking your questions so be sure to come to the call prepared to engage with us! When you register for the call, you will see a space for questions you have... please type your questions, thoughts and/or comments there.
Register now!
See you on Thursday, February 12th!
In Oneness and with so much Love,
Steve Farrell & Anna-Mari Pieterse
Humanity’s Team
P.S. To see other exciting upcoming calls:
It was so wonderful to hear a world champion race car driver, David Brabham, speak about today's race car driving based on secrecy and the race car driving program he is building now based on Oneness (openess, transparency and fan participation). David also talked very personally about how the Conversations with God books impacted him.
The return of the iconic and historic Brabham name to racing will be done in a way that reflects oneness and collective thinking, to take on the world in a racing environment, which is normally dominated by secrecy, mistrust and disconnect to the fan. Brabham Racing will challenge the way people think and it will also show, in real life through our Brabham-Digital experience, the advantages in running our business as an open and transparent platform. This is about more than just racing to win, it is to win but for a higher purpose.
If you missed last week's call with David, here is the link for the replay:
Password: racecar
Thanks to all of you who joined the call. Over 6000 of you registered and the turn out was fantastic.
In Oneness and with so much love,
Steve Farrell and Anna-Mari Pieterse
12 Spheres and Oneness series
We are very excited about our second 12 Spheres of Life Series call on the topic of Oneness and Economics.
Humanity’s Team partners with The Association for Global New Thought and The Foundation for Conscious Evolution to bring you these monthly conference calls focusing on Oneness in the 12 Spheres of Life. Barbara Marx Hubbard, Barbara Fields and our special guest Bernard Lietaer will join us in this very compelling discussion on Economics and Oneness.
Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on Thursday, February 13th at 10:00am Los Angeles, CA USA time!
(click here for the worldwide time converter)
Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on Thursday, February 13th at 10:00am Los Angeles, CA USA time!
(click here for the worldwide time converter)
We’ll be taking your questions so be sure to come to the call prepared to engage with us!
Humanity is awakening to its true Self; beautiful, pure and whole expressions of the One. Perhaps you feel this too. We’re going to be talking about what is manifesting in communities around the world.
On the 2nd Thursday of each month, from 10-11 am Los Angeles, CA USA time, we will be doing our Oneness in 12 Spheres of Life calls with evolutionary leaders who are examples of what is emerging in the new world that is awakening. Save the date and join us each month!
Co-hosts of the call are: Barbara Marx Hubbard who birthed the original 12 Spheres model called “Wheel of Co-Creation," Barbara Fields, the Executive Director of the Association for Global New Thought, Steve Farrell the Worldwide Coordinating Director of Humanity’s Team and Anna-Mari Pieterse who co-developed the Oneness in 12 Spheres model within Humanity’s Team.
In Oneness and with so much Love,
Steve Farrell & Anna-Mari Pieterse
Humanity’s Team
Thank you so much for joining us for the ‘Oneness in 12 Spheres’ call with Bernard Lietaer. We received a great deal of feedback. The discussion was very thought provoking and stimulating!
If you missed the call, here is a link so you can listen-in: password: candle
As you probably know, Bernard Lietaer was instrumental in creating the Euro and is now on the front line as new economic systems emerge. He shared during the call that new forms of currency are emerging from different business sectors and organically in communities, countries and also internationally. He shared he is optimistic the new currencies will play a positive role in our world that is now awakening.
Here are some comments from today’s call:
~Glad to be here. Our economics need transformation! – Susan in Walnut Creek, CA
~Hello from Ljubljana, Slovenia. - Sneska
~Very interesting information. Thank you! – Julie in Sedona, AZ
~Hi from the Canadian Arctic! - Kugluktuk in Nunavut Canada
~Thank you for the opportunity to take part in this wonderful call with all of you. – Michele in Steamboat Springs, CO
~ It's wonderful to be together. Love and light to all. – Nancy in Minneapolis, MN
Thanks again for being with us. Our next call is Thursday, March 13th from 10-11 am MT with Dr. William Spady who will be talking about Oneness in education. Dr. William Spady is an internationally recognized authority on future-focused approaches to Outcome-Based Education, organization change, transformational leadership development, strategic organizational design and empowering models for learning and living. Don’t miss this call!
Also, as we shared on the call, please visit the Oneness Community that has been co-founded by us and created by Janet Gunn. It is a Ning community that is just getting off the ground. We encourage you to take a look and enter your Oneness project and if you don’t have a project you can go to ‘vocational dating’ and find a project you might like to be involved with. This community is just getting off the ground so please be patient as it gets going. You can find it here:
Thanks again for being with us!
In Oneness,
Steve Farrell & Anna-Mari Pieterse
Humanity's Team
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Foundation for Conscious Evolution
Barbara Fields
Asscociation for Global New Thought