With the advent of whole-systems thinking and perceiving, our attention has shifted beyond thinking of relationship as meaning between human and human or the mere elements of any given system; economic, natural... to the relationships between all these elements.
Humanity's Team: Oneness Through the 12 Spheres of Life, Sphere of Relations
Barbara Marx Hubbard: Share Your Vision at Foundation for Conscious Evolution
Get Informed at Thrive, What on Earth Will if Take
See the good news on the Relations Sector on Facebook
Share your Gift to the Shift by clicking Reply below:
- Name the solution if you choose
- Enter a brief description of your solution
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of those involved, ideally showing your social activism, so people can feel what the solution is about.
4. Edit and update your solution at will.
My solution is this: Earth Eden Education Project. https://www.gofundme.com/kqd2co
I have been growing organic food for over twenty years, teaching sustainable living, vegetarian lifestyle, environmental stewardship and mindfulness to students and adults. And have this new project under development.
I have now established this venue called Earth Eden Sanctuary http://www.earthedensanctuary.org/ here on my twenty acre small organic farmstead and wildlife sanctuary. This year's growing season was the first hosting WWOOFers, (Willing Workers On Organic Farms) with the intention to bring the Gaia/sacred Earth experience to young people. There were nine resident WWOOFers over the course of the growing season who came here specifically to learn the deeper meaning of relationship with Nature's web of life and how we get to work with and for That. It was a wonderful first experience with resident student/helpers and the next step is to reach children in schools.
Let's explore--? IMAGINE YOU ARE A MULTIDIMENSIONAL EDITOR of the production that is being projected on the screen of REALITY. Imagine you can re-write the script. Imagine that you can re-write the outcome of any event, in your personal life or in the collective. How would you orchestrate the news broadcast if anything were possible? Allow yourself to expand into the realms of light and truth in which the entire broadcast would be news of outstanding new inventions that offer solutions to your environment’s well-being, or the announcement of a phenomenal new discovery in the healing of your physical form. Allow yourself to imagine feeling and even expressing the excitement of the extraordinary unfolding news of peace taking place upon your planet. Realize that your news broadcast invites and offers an opportunity for you to focus on a different outcome. Imagine you could shift the situation or event being reported. By your clear focused consciousness, see and feel a different solution, call forth the vision, the intention and the healing energy of transformation. This is your opportunity to use your conscious skills and alchemical mastery to co-create a new reality. Play with this possibility that... YOU CAN CALL FORTH A MORE HARMONIOUS, MORE LOVING, MORE CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE. Full article here >http://karing4u.blogspot.com/2014/09/conscious-skills-to-co-create-... --Peggy Black morningmessages.com
"By your clear focused consciousness, see and feel a different solution, call forth the vision, the intention and the healing energy of transformation." And please be sure to record that in Solutions within the Sector you believe it to fit in to and/or start a new Group in Communities around it;-)
To Join our Community of Love-Creation Teachers
PLEASE collect your gift…
the 2 secret, self-taught skills that instantly create what everyone wants (and needs) … unconditional love and happiness.
Click on The MDR (minimum daily requirement) of Self-worth, a case study that illustrates why the secret skills work.
Then listen to Emotional Self-endorsement and The Reasonable Best Test of Self-worth to learn the mental skills that empower you to love yourself with the abundance that overflows to enrich your loved ones and become a Love-creation teacher. These mental skills are secret because society not only does not teach them, it even discourages them. Yet, they are supported by common sense and the one universal standard of behavior taught by every religious and secular group … The Golden Rule, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
When you experience the power of these secret skills you will want to take the 30 day Love-creation Challenge that makes these skills automatic and effortless. See how they kick out the self-putdowns that hold you back. (Transcripts of stuff above)
Want to do more? Make your already significant life REALLY significant. Become a Love-creation teacher. Taking the action that makes our world the safer, loving home we all want will give you more satisfaction than anything you have done. The Educational Community (EC) free web site Lovingmenow.org explains the easy 1-2-3 steps.
Working together, we can rapidly inspire one million Love-creation teachers by the domino effect. The Golden Rule, loving our self with the abundance that overflows, will change the way we think to cooperate for our mutual benefit and help one another above the harmful confrontation that presently characterizes our world.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has … Margaret Mead
You are needed to become part of the solution. Encourage “Einsteinssolution.org” by whatever means are available to you. The combined energy of social entrepreneurs to make our world the safe, happy, loving home we all want and need will be unstoppable.
The Oneness Sign, a new unifying hand signal that reminds us all, that we are all connected.
Launched in Oct 2012 on Global Oneness Day, The Oneness Sign is gaining traction with a variety of groups in the Peace, Spirituality and Environment movements.
The Oneness Sign is the evolution of the old peace signal, it starts with the old two finger peace signal, those two fingers originally stood for V for Victory. Now they stand for the illusion that we are separate from each other and from the planet.
With the new signal, the two fingers come together as one. "we appear to be separate, and we are one." then the joined fingers come to the heart to complete the intimate version of the signal.
At an event or larger setting the two joined fingers rise up to the sky.
See the signal at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfObwRuFTk4
Project Name: Doin' It On Purpose Coaching
Project Desc: Workshops on Parenting, Conflict Resolution, Personal Growth
Project Action: Working on my web and Facebook presence and this site
Project Needs: A legion of Grandmothers
Grandmothers for the Safety of our Children Facebook page
Importance of Childhood
My Divine Purpose: To learn to have compassion for and to help figure out a way to heal perpetrators because until we do, we will just continue to treat victims. Perpetrators are just victims one generation removed.
What if;
Everyone who received government assistance; housing, food, unemployment, were required to take a drug test which could not be disputed to receive assistance.
If they didn’t pass the test, then to receive assistance, they would have to enter into a drug treatment program which would also provide them with basic needs.
The proven effective treatment program was done with love and encouragement (that they have perhaps not experienced) and focused on trauma informed treatment getting to the root causes of addiction.
The children of these adults were closely monitored to see that their basic needs were being met; love, safety, a stable home life, food, education, health care…
There would be a loving Grandmother appointed who would have the authority to see that these needs were met and support the parents in becoming the loving, nurturing adults to themselves and their children so that they to do not become victims.
These Grandmothers would be drawn from the legions of baby boomer women who volunteer to adopt a family that needs their loving support.
Half of All Kids Are Traumatized
For the study, [Johns Hopkins University family-health professor Christina] Bethell and her colleagues analyzed data from the 2011-12 National Survey of Children's Health, a survey of parents of 95,677 children under 17 from throughout the United States. The survey included questions about nine adverse childhood experiences as reported by parents:
extreme economic hardship,
parental divorce/separation,
lived with someone with a drug or alcohol problem,
witness or victim of neighborhood violence,
lived with someone who was mentally ill or suicidal,
witnessed domestic violence,
parent served time in jail,
treated or judged unfairly due to race/ethnicity, and
the death of a parent.
The survey includes myriad data on family and neighborhood environments and parental well-being in addition to children's schooling and medical care, and contains some data about child resilience.
Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Overview
Middle Class Economics: The President’s Fiscal Year 2016 Budget
The President's 2016 Budget is designed to bring middle class economics into the 21st Century. This Budget shows what we can do if we invest in America's future and commit to an economy that rewards hard work, generates rising incomes, and allows everyone to share in the prosperity of a growing America. It lays out a strategy to strengthen our middle class and help America's hard-working families get ahead in a time of relentless economic and technological change. And it makes the critical investments needed to accelerate and sustain economic growth in the long run, including in research, education, training, and infrastructure.
These proposals will help working families feel more secure with paychecks that go further, help American workers upgrade their skills so they can compete for higher-paying jobs, and help create the conditions for our businesses to keep generating good new jobs for our workers to fill, while also fulfilling our most basic responsibility to keep Americans safe. We will make these investments, and end the harmful spending cuts known as sequestration, by cutting inefficient spending and reforming our broken tax code to make sure everyone pays their fair share. We can do all this while also putting our Nation on a more sustainable fiscal path. The Budget achieves about $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction, primarily from reforms to health programs, our tax code, and immigration.
Keeping Americans Safe at Home and Abroad
Economic growth and opportunity can only be achieved if America is safe and secure. The Budget provides $561 billion in base discretionary funding for national defense—$38 billion above sequestration levels—and $58 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations to provide the resources needed to sustain the President’s national security strategy, protecting the country’s security and well-being both at home and abroad.
Combatting Prescription Drug and Heroin Abuse – The Budget includes more than $100 million in new investments across HHS to reduce abuse of prescription opioids and heroin, which together take the lives of 20,000 Americans per year. These new resources will increases funding for every state to expand existing Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs; expand and improve the treatment for people who abuse heroin and prescription opioids; and support dissemination of naloxone, an opioid antagonist that reverses the effects of opioid overdose, by first responders in an effort to prevent overdose deaths in high risk communities.
You can copy and paste this to get started. Then just go creative...
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