Infrastructure refers to the basic underlying framework of any internal framework, system, organization, or facility that serve a given locale for example – transportation, energy, communication systems, schools, military, food systems, etc. These are all massive forces that in some cases drive our quest for sustainability and in other cases drown in it.
Humanity's Team: Oneness Through the 12 Spheres of Life, Sphere of Infrastructure
Barbara Marx Hubbard: Share Your Vision at Foundation for Conscious Evolution
Get Informed at Thrive, What on Earth Will if Take
See the good news on the Infrastructure Sector on Facebook
Share your Gift to the Shift by clicking Reply below:
- Name the solution if you choose
- Enter a brief description of your solution
- Place:
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of those involved, ideally showing your social activism, so people can feel what the solution is about.
4. Edit and update your solution at will.
Wheel of Co-Creation as an Infrastructure
This is my most recent attempt to find a way to communicate the Wheel via an app or similar for small computer/mobile screens. I included the Hub in the colour rose (or alternatively: gold). The sector-fields are designed as icons: Justice, Media, Relations, Science, Spirituality, Art, Economy, Education, Environment, Governance, Health, Infrastructure, all around the Hub.
Dear fellow-travellers,
The Wheel of Co-Creation became my inspiration during ACE (Agents of Conscious Evolution training) 2 and 6. Especially Infrastructure, which is also the heart of the Wheel.
My aim is to let people meet all over the world directly in the twelve (plus hub) sectors. Conferences can be organized in the twelve fields already during sign-up process. Nametags can show one or two colored dot(s) of your sector(s) of choice. In this way, like-minded people can spot each other immediately. An app needs to be written to facilitate follow-up contacts. I understand that someone in the UK is working on this? During ACE, Barbara Bowen and me co-developped an underlying structure based on mind maps in the open-source program cMap. These beginnings could be expanded.
Here is my sketch of the twelve sectors in a minimal design:
Google Flying Turbines
Flying wind turbines might sound like another outlandish Google project, but Teller told SXSW attendees that “There’s an enormous benefit to going up higher.” The wind turbines could “generate 50 percent more energy by accessing stronger winds at higher altitudes, while eliminating 90 percent of the materials used in conventional wind turbines,” according to Project Makani’s website.
This seems a good sector to add these links. When people consider moving to area of other like hearted tribe . There are other sites, but this is one i was looking at and had listed on once. Land and homes close to myself in Garrard Co, Ky on our 5 acre deepening homestead. Soon I will post about in Vocational dating.But here is the older link I one put on THE IC ORG Web site about year ago.
Thanks for posting this. I actually made a Community of Intentional Communities. I can't seem to get the pictures right but feel free to add to this in any way you see fit and if you want to manage it, I will give you permissions. I could so want to do this if it were just me to consider;-)
Ryan's Well Foundation
The Ryan’s Well Foundation grew from the commitment of one boy, Ryan Hreljac, who learned of the great need for clean and safe water in developing countries in his 1st grade class. With the support of friends, family and the community, Ryan raised enough money to build a well in Africa. In 1999, at age seven, Ryan's first well was built at Angolo Primary School in northern Uganda.
Although Ryan started raising money for water projects in 1998, the Foundation was not formed until 2001. Since then, Ryan’s Well has helped build over 878 water projects and 1120 latrines bringing safe water and improved sanitation to over 823,238 people.
Transition Sarasota Gleaning Project, Sarasota, FL
Transition Sarasota sponsors a unique win/win/win gleaning project. Volunteers gather once a week during the growing season at Jessica's Organic Farm in Sarasota to harvest what is left in the fields. What they pick is donated to the local food bank. Each volunteer is allowed to take home one shopping bag of fresh organic produce, and the farmer gets a tax write-off.
This is such an awesome idea! Reminds me of Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi “Let me go to the field and glean among the ears of grain, behind someone in whose sight I may find favor”. She said to her “Go, my daughter”. So she went. She came and gleaned in the field behind the reapers. Ruth 2:1-7
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