The environment is seen as the context in which everything takes place within the adaptive systems of earth. In the same way as the body is the environment within which the trillions of cells that make up all aspects of itself, the environment is the context of life on earth.
Humanity's Team: Oneness Through the 12 Spheres of Life, Sphere of Environment
Barbara Marx Hubbard: Share Your Vision at Foundation for Conscious Evolution
Get Informed at Thrive, What on Earth Will if Take
See the good news on the Environment Sector on Facebook
Share your Gift to the Shift by clicking Reply below:
- Name the solution if you choose
- Enter a brief description of your solution
- Place:
- links
- pictures
- media
of those involved, ideally showing your social activism, so people can feel what the solution is about.
4. Edit and update your solution at will.
A completely novel approach is to reduce natural processes that normally would need hundreds of years to a mere week. The GPH - Green Power House of Michael Smith uses bio-char to produce highest quality top soil that generally needs centuries to form. Here is an introduction:
My solution is this: Earth Eden Education Project.
I have been growing organic food for over twenty years, teaching sustainable living, vegetarian lifestyle, environmental stewardship and mindfulness to students and adults. And have this new project under development.
I have now established this venue called Earth Eden Sanctuary here on my twenty acre small organic farmstead and wildlife sanctuary. This year's growing season was the first hosting WWOOFers, (Willing Workers On Organic Farms) with the intention to bring the Gaia/sacred Earth experience to young people. There were nine resident WWOOFers over the course of the growing season who came here specifically to learn the deeper meaning of relationship with Nature's web of life and how we get to work with and for That. It was a wonderful first experience with resident student/helpers and the next step is to reach children in schools.
I am wondering if you would be interested in sharing your energy with a group now forming for a global even in October 2016. I am passionate about the damage done to our environment every day. I am seeking people who can write affirmations based in a loving solution approach, for this global event. My passion and heartbreak lies elsewhere, although I am always doing something to make a small dent in the negative energy resonance heating up our beloved planet.
If you are also a passionate person and have ideas of how we could make productive changes in all areas of ecology/environment, please contact me. If you just have an idea but do not think you can write an affirmation, please send me your name/email address, and tell me your idea for an affirmation. Perhaps I can help you to write it and we can present it to the world in October 2016. Namaste, dear hearts. PS, I would also like to talk to you, Teresa, about your project and how I might be able to help you. Cassandra
I love that you have placed this on this site. I would encourage you to Create a Group in Communities for this so that we can all co-create and collaborate in Discussions. It would be an awesome demonstration of how this site can help us think globally and act locally. If you need any help doing this, I would just love to provide that. my contact info is here. Demo and help with site on Friday nights at 6:00 - 8:00 pm MT or whenever else works for you. Love & Peace, Janet
Hello Everyone! I am following up on the information that I posted on January 19, 2015. In 5 months, the project has grown from an idea that came to me in meditation to a global phenomenon with a companion book that is currently being published. Please help spread the word, so we can have a tangible global impact. Thank you!
Project 1 is an Earth Day event that is complementary with other Earth Day events. Our goal is to engage a global community to join together in both intention and action -- to imagine (with a unified focus and intent for restoration of health and balance for Mother Earth) what each of us can do for planet Earth and then to take ONE ACTION STEP, something well within one's means and ability, that will assist in that global effort. Huge numbers of even small acts will have a tangible effect.
Please sign up for the event at the links below. It is critical that you sign up for the event at one of these two sites so we can measure the scope, breadth and reach of the event and also so you can have a place to log to share what amazing inspirations you receive!
Facebook link:
website with more info:
Please help support this project by forwarding this information to your friends. Are we really only six degrees of separation away from linking consciously as a community? Please take the next step to help to spread the word.
Pursuing a better world --
Teresa Wolfe
Teresa W. Wolfe, Eco-Herbalist
Welcome Harvest LLC
Check out what Teresa is doing and Do One Thing!!
The goal for this project is to capture the energy and power in numbers created when a massive group of people put forward a single intent: restoration of health and balance to the Earth. A tipping point of shared vision (a critical mass of people participating in this event with a unified intent) can create a tangible environmental impact and an intangible shift in global awareness and perception of Mother Earth – from a monetary resource and a place we have dominion over to a place we conserve and have stewardship of.
WHAT: Earth Day 2015 promotes environmental awareness and calls for action that will foster the protection of our Mother Earth. Project 1 is part of Earth day, and is complementary with other important projects planned for this day. The significant element of this event is the focused execution of global intent. It has never been more important that humanity develop a group consciousness intent on transforming the negative impacts to our planet. Humanity as a whole must develop healing intent and take action to renew our only home!
WHO: ANY one, ANY where, ANY age. This project is for anyone who is interested in taking one small action step to make the world a better place for now and future generations. People can participate individually or as a group (i.e. a school, a business, an organization or club, etc.). Project 1 is not an exclusive event.
WHEN: Earth Day 2015 (April 22, 2015) is the launch day for the first annual “Project 1” event.
WHERE: In your own home or space, or wherever your inspiration guides you.
HOW: On Earth Day 2015 (April 22, 2015), we are asking everyone everywhere to do the following:
1. Take ONE MINUTE to go within and connect (with a unified focus to bring restoration of health and balance to our Mother Earth).
2. Be inspired to take ONE ACTION STEP that is well within your means and ability, an action that you can do ONE TIME to promote positive change on the planet.
Positive action steps people may be inspired to do can range from small to grand, from picking up one piece of trash, to funding a research project on global warming. See a list of possibilities (not inclusive) on the website.
How this benefits YOU
Personal Growth – You will learn ONE THING that is your unique contribution.
Expanding Awareness – deepening connection with inner resources and a larger outer community.
Transpersonal satisfaction – the joy of combining with a world-wide community of like-minded people to create lasting and positive change.
How this benefits the planet
When you take ONE MINUTE to go within, Spirit/intuition will guide you toward your own personal RIGHT ACTION PLAN that is within your ability and means. It is your free will to choose whether or not to follow your guidance, but know that your contribution is unique. Your part is necessary and WILL make a positive change. You can and will feel that you play(ed) an integral part in saving the planet.
Some people will be inspired to contribute financially, whereas others will be inspired to contribute physically. Only those aligned with this project will be called to be a part of it. They will be guided and inspired to that action that feels right and good for them.
This project is a win-win for everyone – literally translated as a win-win for the entire planet, for all Beings and for Mother Earth herself.
We are certain that the project, once begun, will rapidly gain momentum. Once the initial people onboard start the ball rolling and people see the validity, feasibility, and value of this grand project, more and more will join the effort. In virtually no time at all, the critical mass will be reached and the planet will be irreversibly shifted into a healthier state. Once this momentum is reached, there will be literally no being on the Earth that will not see the value in getting involved in this movement/project.
NOTE: For this effort to be successful, we need 1% of the world’s population to participate (that translates as >70,000,000 people). To achieve this astoundingly bold goal, it is crucial that we get as many environmentally aware and concerned people, groups and organizations involved as possible. Please send this to any of your friends, family and colleagues who would be aligned with this project.
For more information or to help promote Project 1, contact:
Teresa Wolfe, MS, Eco-Herbalist
This is really great! Thank you soooo much for posting it. I would invite you to also Create a Group under Communities around it and we can post the link to it on Facebook and in emails. Also people can come to it and Add threaded Discussions and co-create and collaborate. If you need any help I would love to do that. 303-456-9125.
A Spiritual Response to the Ecological Crisis
Panel Talk from Bioneers Conference on Spiritual Ecology with Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee; deep-ecologist and author Joanna Macy; and Dekila Chungyalpa, director of the World Wildlife Fund's Sacred Eartth programm
Great post Jan! Way to go!! I may have to ask you how you got the audio on here.