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  • Hello, dear friends 

    I originally put my heart's desire in the sector of 'education, as I have a dream I share with my partner that we would like to realize. After listening to more Codes and processing with them, I would like to put what I'm doing (and realizing that it IS my heart's desire and that I DO LOVE deeply what I do already) in this sector, as what I'm doing is healing old wounds of seperation (caused by shame, guilt and fear). And healing wounds is what my heart's desire is all about.

    My heart's desire is to accompany my human brothers and sisters of all ages with great joy, deep respect, with present mindfulness and an open heart towards their unique and so very special essence. I do this thru my given gift of finding, feeling and bringing joy, laughter and fun into the field as well as an unlimited, unjudging and playful spirit. It allows them to reconnect with their innocent child inside which is reconnection to the source itself.

    I love what I'm doing each single day - it is a blessing and the source of immense gratefulness and wonder and love for this life and everyone in it.

    A happy and joyful Shabadabadooo from Vini :-)

    • Hello Vini, I just want to confirm what you are saying, as we are in the same ANS group, this is the energy you bring forward to our group. Thank you so much!

  • I love exploring and practicing the fastest easiest most efective ways to acheive total wellbeing at every level of my being. And i love sharing what works. So i desire to create a Total Wellbeing webpage with links to practices, technologies, cosmologies, and perpectives, to create the inner experience of total wellbeing, which i could say feels like 'heaven on earth within'. Knowing that when each individual creates heaven on earth within, we shall collectively naturally create this without, for All on earth and earth herself. My soul purpose is 'to heal mother earth and her people', which means to return to balance, harmony, unity, and Love as One-together. I wish to be of much greater service to evolving huminity vertically into our new species. I also have a book to write offering a method i created, thats easily effective to elevate our state and join genious, which is a wellbeing tool in every sense.

    What i need is partners with the similar mission, so we may encourage love and mentor the 'coming out-emergence' of this wisdom for the good of all; and people with working knowledge of creating wordpress based webpages with links and buy or donate buttons. 

    All my love, Helen Frances

  • I am an energy medicine practitioner (among other skills/passions) in private practice since 1998. I foresee a time when heath and medicine move from mechanical models to the reality of energy as the basis of All. Where emotions, lineage patterns, beliefs and energy release become part of the way we address imbalance and illness. My site:  I Love fractals too, Brenda - the torroid/vector equilibrium energy structure of energy on every scale from the subatomic to the celestial/galactic. Totally into Unified Field Theory and Nassim Haramein's work with The Resonance Science Foundation. Hello allies!

    Bioenergy Balancing Center - Body Work, Energetic Healing, Holistic Practitioner Bay Area
    Bioenergy Balancing - Integrated Healing for Body, Mind, Spirit - Body Work in the Bay Area, San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, East Bay. Pain Body h…
    • Hi Sarah, yes i too see the future as energy medicine, as we are energy beings, and this is my primary practice in caring for mine and my families wellbeing.

      • Are you all familiar with Joe Dispenza's new book "Becoming Supernatural"? I am currently listening to it and find it so easy to believe;-) Love & Peace, Janet

        Becoming Supernatural (Hardcover Book)
        <p><strong>Hardcover Book</strong></p> <p>Becoming Supernatural marries the some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to s…
        • Thanks janet i shall look at that book now xoxxo

  • Hi Everyone,

    It’s difficult to be succinct, but I will try my best.

    My name is Brenda Molloy, and I am a fractal artist. Working with this art is my bliss! It’s what I came to do for right now. It’s my gift, made in service to others. I am deeply assisted by Source energy. They feel co-created.

    Fractals are based on mathematical formulas; think Sacred Geometry. That’s the invisible element. I am a translator, translating esoteric information into images that teach, inform and heal the human body. The cells react. Some people are keenly aware of this happening, others are not, but the viewer can be affected on a very deep cellular level. It’s similar to the way the fractal patterns in nature are very healing.

    Others began telling me how the energy of the images worked within their bodies. I was also informed that my fractal art videos were helping a woman’s young daughter, who is on the Asperger’s Spectrum. They were calming, or soothing to her. I researched this, and found Dr. Cathy Dalton had recently published a paper on the healing aspect of fractals. She used EEGs and other scientific methods to measure these effects.

    April is Autism Month. It’s my deepest desire to reach the Autism Community to offer my fractal art as a tool for calming. I have reached out a few times, but nothing has ‘stuck’. Being on the introverted side, I am asking for help getting my art out to the people I’m hoping to help.

    Yesterday, I received an email from a friend that made me laugh. “You, my friend, have a mind that is an odd mixture of spiritual and geeky!!” So, that’s me! If you can help in any way, I will be thrilled!

    If you made it to the end, thank you for your time!
    Here is a link to one of my early videos:
    Here is a link to my YouTube Video Channel:

  • Hello.  I'm just joining in.   This is my first introduction to this group.  I really like what I just read from Simon and would love to join this conversation.  My writing experience in the past was for a monthly column in a holistic community paper.  My professional background is in Social Work/Nursing/Bodywork Therapist/ordained minister.  Yes, I have degrees in all of them, and feel that I am only just starting to know myself for what I am, rather than what I do.   :)

    • Knowing yourself for who you are rather than what you do is awesome and necessary! Go Girl! Im certain all your earth degrees are great foundation for your emerging Self expression!

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