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  • I went to an island with a friend. The road to the beach was filled with inorganic waste, especially around the houses of the town neighbors. Some of them have left the island after the earthquake that hit the country 2 years ago. Probably some of that waste had been sitting there for that long. With my friend we began picking up the residues without thinking much, nor asking much either. That's what we usually do when we go to parks, and since it was on our way to the beach and it felt so terrible to see all that garbage, we began our work. By the end of the week we had cleaned the whole road and people were amazed that a couple of strangers came to do this. We were even able to make the horse-driven cart come and take out all of the sacs.

    A remarkable experience indeed, for all involved, to which I could add many insights. 

    • Dear Mariana,

      Thank you. You are indeed a blessing to our sweet home named Earth. I too pick up garbage and in my Heart it feels good to care for our home this way. I am blessed by you Mariana and I am very grateful for our connection in this community. Love and hugs to you and your friend. Peace.

  • This morning a neighbor helped me out at the park. I was breaking the soil with a hand plow and we started to talk. She immediatelly began to clean one plant we were on. She said that she is going to get herself a bigger tool and will help with the hard work that is ahead. Another neighbor also commited herself to follow the initiative we have to remove some cables that cross over the park from one street to the next. 

    There are many other problems to solve and few people saying that they want to cooperate. Fewer even are the ones that do, instead of only saying so.

    • Dearest Mariana,

      Thank you for your efforts and please feel and know that your role modeling as a caregiver of our precious living planet is having an effect on improving the natural quality of the park as the park becomes healthier and less poluted. I believe the park really appreciates what you and a few others are doing and I am so grateful that you continue. Peace and Blessings. As we join in Union we evolve in Unity Consciousness and our precious home the Earth is Healed,

  • Dear Friends,

    Here is an interview Terry and I did with Jane on her book "Conversations With A Tree" We are all connected and I AM grateful for this truth.

    On this beautiful Earth Day HTC is launching our new video series Canadians Being Oneness. Jane Warren Campbell is our first guest to talk about how we are all connected. She has recently written another incredible book, this one is Conversations With a Tree. We hope you enjoy this 20 minute interview with Jane, Terry, and Christine on our deep connection with all of nature. Please share this with your friends.

  • To be fair, I want to tell you that we've made progress in the park. We've had a couple of meetings, first with one neighbor to explain her abaut the wheel, then with another, then with some 5. We don't talk about cocreation, I myself don't know how to coordinate it in a group setting. But there's a calling in each one wanting to own the park. It is heartening. We've posted some small first steps that we want to take. And at the end, at night in the park, on the solstice, 4 women said that we want to build a neighborhood community, where the park is only the first, most obvious ground to start.

    I just came from working there, and two other neighbors were walking barefeet on the grass.

    • Dear Mariana, very inspiring how you take initiative. You may look to the 'Co-creating the Wheel' part of this website for possible further steps. Questions or musings can be exchanged in a casual way if appropriate. Nevertheless, they could be quite deep, as is shared on  which is also possible in direct contact I guess. And you already began your shared experience with walking barefoot...

      • Thank you so very much, Freed. I downloaded the instructions and as they say, my deepest heart's desire feels very much bigger than I am (I have felt increasingly exhausted, to name but one symptom). That's one reason why I want others to join me to share the weight. Some are as depleted as me, but still want to come together, because there's no other way. 

        For me it is essential to work in person. We need to embody our bodies (as Thomas Hübble so lucidly makes it note) and the park is there for us precisely to do so. All our common problems disembark there. For other people who have posted in this sector, it is also a requisite to work with people in person. The nature of what we do is tangible, physical and in bodily presence.

        I was working this morning in the hard, hard soil of the park with only my very domestic tool for gardening and I thought later, that that is how the state of our hearts is (my own also): dry, enclosed, jailed, without nurturance and care. It's also like helping the heart, mine also, to live. I don't know even how, but I am beginning to bring the waste of my kitchen to grave it there somehow. Another neighbor was looking on from her window and I hope they agree.

        Thanks again,   



        • Dear Mariana, what a symbolic act for 'Awaken the new Species' to dig into the soil in your own neighbourhood. If indeed the neighbours will join you, it becomes a co-creative act to expand joy to you and the others. So humble is your beginning, it may touch many more of us. Maybe you are inclined to share on Tuesday (if there is a space) or on Thursday? Your generous actions should inform the resonant field of Homo Amore Universalis. (Unfortunately, I do not speak Spanish and could not savour fully what is written on your website.)  Amore universalis,  Freed

          • What is humble, Freed, I wonder? Is it not there where we all need to start? Where else could you start? Maybe what you are doing now is pretty advanced, but it did not start so. And we forget about it.

            We seem to want to show our very end results or these impressive accomplishments as if only those could move things forward. In fact, if what we show is too sophisticated, people shy away or think that that is for somebody else who is smart and brave and have these super human abilitites.

            In that regard it is good that you cannot read my web page. What counts is what we are doing now to evolve. And that is always humble, it starts on the ground (isn't that the translation of humility?) I recently heard that unless a movement stays close to the ground, it rotens, it decays, it putrifies.

            I am so blessed to be able to walk barefeet.

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