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  • Glad to see so many artists (I mean all creative geniuses - artists, writers, poets, sculptors etc. ) have a strong presence in the group. I think the health of a society ( culture actually) is measured by their attitude to art - and for too many thousands of years artists have been misunderstood , persecuted or simply ignored. Art needs to be at the centre of life, not just for a few ...

    So I see where art can be applied to a wider audience - and the vibrational aspect shines through . For eg. the healing potential of paintingsinhospitals is enormous, from paintings to fractal art in 3D, to amazing lighting (see Brenda Fletcher Molloy's post to the Facebook group). Some art I've seen would look incredible etched in glass , or as stained glass ...

    Noam Gado has a fountain sculpture in St. Thomas' Hospital worth seeing, Beth, and it's  worth noting that he originally believed that art should be used in architecture and for public buildings. Me, too!

    Thanks for the inspiration ! Let's create more beauty everywhere!

    • I do agree with you, Georgia, on the importance of art. It has so many 'invisible' benefits.


  • Hola, everyone,

    I'm Roshana. I'm a flutist (mainly), play a little keyboard and violin and sing a little . I was in bands for 12 years, playing in nightclubs, etc. Then another 12 years playing in churches, weddings and parties, etc. Now I'm doing my thing at Sunrise Ranch, where Barbara lives. I'd love to collaborate with others for ... I dunno ... something when you're visiting here in November. Maybe we could come up with a New Species anthem. :) I'm open to ideas.

  • Hi everyone, my name is Elena (Lena) Maslova-Levin. I am an artist, and -- more generally -- a thinker (I worked as a research linguist, in the field of linguistic diversity and universals, for the first half of my professional life). My portfolio website is at

    I believe Art has a role (and a huge one) to play still in the evolution of consciousness. Over the last fifty thousand years or so, after the emergence of language, as the humankind embarked on its journey of separation and individuation, art has been keeping the two sides of reality -- the inner and the outer, the spiritual and the material -- together.

    Starting with the cave paintings, which, most likely, directly represented shamanistic visions and helped others see them (so that the walls of the caves were almost literally the wall between two realities, the veil of separation as the first "canvas" for painting). And in the recent centuries -- the age of rationality and science -- art kind of kept its own as a pathway to spirituality independent of religion, and thus open to everyone, whatever their belief systems. And all the way in between. 

    And now, I think, this mission of Art -- and its role in the transition -- is as urgently needed (if not more so) as ever. But it has been jeopardised by the growing alienation between art and life, between the "art world" and "the audience". 

    So what I have been dreaming of over the last two-three years is a hub for new synergetic conversations about art, where these disconnects can be transcended, where there are no divides between "artists", "amateurs", and "audiences". The working title is "Art and Mind Circle" (here is a story of how this ties together with my own life between painting and linguistics, which I wrote as a first attempt to go public with this idea). 

    I wasn't just dreaming -- I have also been prototyping several ideas about how it might work. For example, we have a small group for "conversations about paintings" (two artists, one student of art, three non-artists), where each conversation focuses on one masterpeice of painting, chosen by everyone in turn (and it has been incredibly successful). Another successful prototype is my "Art of Seeing as an Artist" program --how to look at paintings so as to expand one's sense of vision.

    I have also another series of conversations (almost) ready, which is more about philosophy of art, and its role in the evolution of humankind & consciousness. 

    All in all, I have enough "intellectual" material to start implementing the idea of "Art and Mind Circle" as a network of small-group synergetic conversations about art which would help us overcome its alienation from life, and help art do its thing in helping us through the transition to New Humanity. That is, I have enough material to give this idea the original "creative impulse" (although the idea will obviously need co-creators, too).

    I also have enough experience with all the technology needed to implement this idea (but in contrast with the content part, this is certainly outside my "zone of genius"). 

    What I lack most is skills and experience in organisation & business side of this: how to make it work, how to make it financially sustainable (be it as a business or a non-profit -- I have no experience in either, and I don't seem to have an entrepreneurial / organisational bone in my body). This is what I need help with.



    Elena Maslova-Levin's paintings – Portfolio
    • Beautiful paintings. I'm especially fond of sonnet 38,49,26,21..... Gorgeous.

    • This all sounds so wonderful. Some of what you say here reminds me of the book How to Read a Poem. I also resonate with your linguistics background. One of my favorite documentaries is The Linguists. I will take a look at your website. 

  • I mentioned in the Week22 call a public arts exchange system in the Netherlands. It is called 'Kunstuitleen/Artotheek' (Art-Lending) and was initiated by the late Dutch artist Pieter Kooistra in 1955.  He also developed a plan for a universal basic income called 'UNO Income for Humanity'. A biography is at (unfortunately only in Dutch). More background in English (click on English, and then About) at

    Pieter Kooistra
    Biografie Pieter Kooistra PIETER KOOISTRA. 1922-1998 Schilder, graficus, fotograaf, beeldhouwer, schrijver en filosoof te Varik Door Wim Veerman Pers…
    • Hi Freed, your link to "background in English" returns the 404 Error. 

      • Thank you Elena. I fixed the link and gave extra info.

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