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Monthly Conference Call Focusing on Oneness in Education

"Should wolves, whales, mountain lions, rain forests be saved? Should ancient cultures, babies, homeless people survive? Only contestants ask such dangerous fool-hardy and unkind questions.

We all know how to play our parts on earth. But we do not want to do this, so we continue to masquerade as contestants and hide in ethical boundaries. Everyone knows that we must be kind each moment , that we must give love with all our might, but we don't wish to know it so we ask questions." ~ O. Fred Donaldson PH.D - Play specialist and aikidoist, and author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book: Playing by Heart. The Vision of Practice and Belonging.

Please join Steve Farrell and Anna-Mari Pieterse when they speak with Fred Donaldson about this - the power and the heart of play, during the Humanity's Team Oneness in Education Conference Call.

The call will take place this Thursday, March 17th at 9:00am Los Angeles CA time. Please register here:…/…

To find the time in your area:

See you there!

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  • We are very excited about our next Oneness in 12 Spheres of Life call about Oneness and Education.  Our special guest is Dr. William Spady.  He will talk about his new book, Bringing Heart and Soul to Education.  Be sure to join this thought provoking conversation with us on Thursday, March 12th!

    Humanity’s Team partners with The Foundation for Conscious Evolution to bring you these monthly conference calls focusing on Oneness in the 12 Spheres of Life. Barbara Marx Hubbard will join us as co-host during this call.

    Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on Thursday, March 12th at 10am Los Angeles, CA USA time!

    To find the time in your area, go to:

    williamspady.gifWhat does Education have to do with Oneness, you may ask.  If Dr. William Spady has his way, lots!  Dr. Spady has been guiding education systems as an international consultant for decades and before that taught at the graduate faculty of Harvard University.  During our global conference call we’ll be talking about Dr. Spady’s highly provocative new book, Bringing Heart and Soul to Education.  In it, he shares education is stuck in a “paradigm paralysis” that emphasizes learners’ cognitive abilities and processes, while downplaying the significance or relevance of the other ways of perceiving and experiencing all that exists. Dr. Spady will contrast this with an emerging educational meme that embodies fundamentally different assumptions and understandings about the essence of human existence – ones that transform our notions of human potential, capacity, and purpose. 

    Imagine understandings that transcend the limited and constrained thinking and features of education’s prevailing meme and open humanity to a more elevating conception of learning and living.  This will be the subject of this hour long program and Barbara Marx Hubbard will weigh in with us during this interview with Dr. William Spady.

    We’ll be taking your questions so be sure to come to the call prepared to engage with us!  When you register for the call, you will see a space for questions you have... please type your questions, thoughts and/or comments there.

    Register now!

    See you on Thursday, March 12th!

    In Oneness and with so much Love,

    Steve Farrell & Anna-Mari Pieterse
    Humanity’s Team

    P.S. To see other exciting upcoming calls:

  • 3068611?profile=RESIZE_320x320Bringing Heart and Soul to Education

     What Do 11 Education Experts Suggest for the Future of Education?

    And when you do, you’ll never think of learning and education the same way again – guaranteed!

     It’s called Bringing Heart and Soul to Education, and its title says it all. Eleven insightful and caring writers have lent their voices to a volume that cries out to be heard. These courageous and enlightened souls offer a broad range of perspectives on the alternatives open to us if we’re willing to confront today’s obsession with standardization and ‘reclaim the heart and soul of education.’ From classroom teachers to renowned scholars and researchers, the authors of its fourteen chapters offer compelling outside-the-box perspectives on what’s both desirable and possible in the name of education.

    Here’s what awaits you :

    Part 1-Bringing Transformational Perspectives to Education
    Chapter Title Author
    1 Bringing Heart and Soul to Education: The Journey from Educentrism to Inner Realization William Spady
    2 The World Beyond the Academic Disciplines Marion Brady
    3 The Emergence of a New Vision for Human Development Spirituality Learning and Education Renate N. Caine
    4 Using the Five C's to Bolster the Heart and Soul of Learning Leadership and Living William Spady
    5 Sports Can Enhance Education . . . If Approached from the Heart Instead of Just the Scoreboard Ted Murray


    Part 2-Inspiring Approaches that Touch the Hearts and Souls of Learners
    Chapter Title Author
    6 Using Seven Key Powers of Human Greatness to Reclaim the Heart and Soul of Education Lynn Stoddard
    7 Balancing the Teeter-Totter: Capturing Both Sides of Generative and Strategic Leadership Elsie Ritzenhein
    8 Awakening Eco-Intelligence in Teachers and Learners: The Path to Thriving Vs. Barely Surviving in the 21st Century Candia Lea Cole
    9 Rekindling the HEARTLIGHT  Flame William Spady
    Part 3-Honoring the Hearts and Souls of Those We’re Educating
    Chapter Title Author
    10 A Heart Centered Approach to Educating in the Classroom: Mindfulness in Action Vicki Savini
    11 From the Heart of a Teacher Johanna Daniels
    12 The Heart of the Matter: Is There Space for Soul in the Classroom? Erin Amundson
    13 The Indigos are Here-Ready or Not! Selene
  • Humanity’s Team partners with The Association for Global New Thought and The Foundation for Conscious Evolution to bring you these monthly conference calls focusing on Oneness in the 12 Spheres of Life. Barbara Marx Hubbard, Barbara Fields and our special guest Bill Spady will join us in this very compelling discussion on Education and Oneness. 3068605?profile=original

    Dr. William Spady is an internationally recognized authority on paradigm-shifting and personally empowering approaches to education, organizational change, transformational leadership development, strategic organizational design, and models of learning and living.  His pioneering work is reflected in a host of published articles and seven widely regarded books. 

     He has lectured extensively across the world and spearheaded major efforts in North America, South Africa and Australia on expanding the vision, deepening the philosophical grounding, and improving the performance of learners, educators, leaders, and educational systems.

     In 2001 Bill joined forces with the distinguished spiritual author Neale Donald Walsch and framed the philosophical grounding and operating essentials of what came to be known as HeartLight Learning Communities.  This collaboration bolstered Bill’s strong interest in inner exploration and spiritual growth, now reflected in his 2013 book Opening to Greater Realities and several papers, models, and frameworks related to the continuous evolution and limitless expansion of human consciousness.

     We are very excited about our next 12 Spheres of Life Series call on the topic of Oneness and Education.  These wonderful calls have gained lots of interest and attention because all aspects of Life and Oneness are covered. 

    Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on Thursday, March 13th at 10:00am Los Angeles, CA USA time!  (click here for the worldwide time converter)

    We’ll be taking your questions so be sure to come to the call prepared to
    engage with us!

  • Thank you so much for joining us for the ‘Oneness in 12 Spheres’ call with our guest, Dr. William Spady.  Over 700 people registered for this call and we received a great deal of positive feedback on the topic of Oneness and Education.  The conversation between Steve Farrell, Dr. Spady, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Barbara Fields and Anna-Mari Pieterse provoked lots of compelling comments and ideas.

    Dr. William Spady is an internationally recognized authority on future-focused approaches to Outcome-Based Education, organization change, transformational leadership development, strategic organizational design and empowering models for learning and living.

    If you missed the call or simply want to listen again, here is a link so you can listen-in: Password: learn

    Here are some comments from today’s call:
    Gita - from Saline ~ Just a comment: Thank, thank you. Higher mind knowing kicked into me, a 74 year old grandmother. You are confirming what my intuition tells me.

    Ciara - from Cork, Ireland ~ Will William ever be in Ireland talking about heart light education? Amazing! I am very excited about his course - choosing better ways for educating.

    Reverend Dr. Nancy - from New Mexico ~ I've been part of this Sphere Sector of Education in a specific area of "Re-Inventing Seminary" ... teaching from an interdependent perspective (or as you call it, a 5th Paradigm).. this model is crucial for our spiritual evolutionary collaboration. Thank you for this inspiring conversation! Every Blessing with Love

    Linda - from Irvington, VA ~ Thank you all you beautiful people. I am so grateful to be on this call!

    Ann - from Bedford ~ delighted to be here with you.

    James - from Connecticut ~ I'm so glad to hear a conversation about really changing our education systems, even to the point of not calling schools schools because of all the baggage that that word brings with it.

    Thanks again for being with us.  Our next call is Thursday, April 10th from 10-11am Los Angeles, CA, US time with Ocean Robbins who will be talking about Oneness and the Environment.  Ocean co-founded Youth for Environmental Sanity when he was 13 years old and has spent more than half his life collaborating with some of the outstanding leaders of our times, and working at the forefront of worldwide movements towards a thriving, just and sustainable future. His presentations are rich with stories of inspiration from his learning journey; reflections on the pivotal moment we face as a species; and an invitation to take action on behalf of what truly matters to us.  Don’t miss this call!

    Also, as we shared on the call, please visit the Oneness Community that has been co-founded by us and created by Janet Gunn.  It is a Ning community that is just getting off the ground.  We encourage you to take a look and enter your Oneness project and if you don’t have a project you can go to ‘vocational dating’ and find a project you might like to be involved with.  This community is just getting off the ground so please be patient as it gets going.  You can find it here:

    Thanks again for being with us!

    In Oneness and peace,

    Nannette Kennedy
    Worldwide Communications Coordinator

  • Thank you for this call! I listened in today and was inspired to investigate further.

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