
YOU ARE BEING CALLED FORTH TO ANCHOR A DIFFERENT REALITY: You are being invited to anchor a reality in which there is harmony and well-being. We continue to encourage each individual to realize that you personally can hold the vision, the emotional frequency of a reality that supports all life. It is this awareness within each awakened individual that is truly calling forth a world in which there is peace within the hearts and minds of the collective.

This conscious action is taking place moment to moment in your lives and activities. You become the means of stability as you continue to hold the stable vision and offer the healing of the heart frequency into your experience. We realize that what we are inviting you to express can feel impossible considering what is being out-pictured in the world events.

This is where your mastery is being activated. This is where you claim your magnificence as a multidimensional being. 

You are not powerless. You are truly powerful beyond measure. Step into that realization, allow yourself to just imagine, even pretend, that you have these superpowers that allow you to offer the collective the opportunity to heal. Imagine that you have the superpowers to transform any event occurring in your reality. These superpowers are always used only for the highest and the best for all concerned.

Each time you hear or see some discord or dysfunction, immediately offer the quantum field of all possibilities a new and different scenario. 

Full article here 

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