HeartMath: This month's Oneness in Twelve Spheres of Life Conference Call
This Thursday, June 9th at 8:30am PDT.
Please join Steve Farrell and Anna-Mari Pieterse and their guest Deborah Rozman when they discuss how individuals and communities could incorporate the heart’s intelligence into their day-to-day experience of life.
...HeathMath connects heart and science in ways that empower people to greatly reduce stress, build resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making better choices.
Deborah Rozman holds a PhD, is the President and Co-CEO of HeartMath Institute and has over thirty years of experience as a business executive, serial entrepreneur, psychologist, author, and educator.
She co-authored HeartMath's Transforming Series: Transforming Stress, Transforming Anger, Transforming Anxiety and Transforming Depression, and is a key spokesperson on HeartMath, heart intelligence, heart-based living, and managing stress in these changing times.
Save your spot for the free call here: http://livinginone.com/living-in-oneness-summit-calls-sig…/…
To find the time in your area: www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
You won't want to miss this compelling discussion! See you on Thursday, June 9th at 8:30am PDT.
See you then.

We are very excited about our next Oneness in 12 Spheres of Life call about Oneness and Health. Our special guest is Joan Borysenko. Be sure to join this thought-provoking conversation with us on Thursday, May 21st!
We will be speaking with Joan Borysenko about Oneness and health care today and The New Brain Science: Optomizing Health, Emotional Balance and Creativity. Joan is a distinguished pioneer in integrative medicine and is a world-renowned expert in the mind/body connection. Her work has been foundational in an international health-care revolution that recognizes the role of meaning, and the spiritual dimensions of life, as an integral part of health and healing. Eloquent and inspiring in settings that range from hospitals to hospices, from theaters to conference venues, and from boardrooms to houses of worship, she is a credible bridge between faith and reason. Her brilliance, humor, and authenticity—in combination with the latest research—make her a compelling and inspiring speaker and writer.
Humanity’s Team partners with The Foundation for Conscious Evolution to bring you these monthly conference calls focusing on Oneness in the 12 Spheres of Life. Barbara Marx Hubbard will join us as co-host during this call.
Register now for the live call (or live webcast or playback) on May 21st at 10am Los Angeles, CA USA time!
To find the time in your area, go to: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
We’ll be taking your questions so be sure to come to the call prepared to engage with us! When you register for the call, you will see a space for questions you have... please type your questions, thoughts and/or comments there.
Register now!
See you on Thursday, May 21st!
In Oneness and with so much Love,
Steve Farrell & Anna-Mari Pieterse
Humanity’s Team
P.S. We believe that being in a community of like-minded people ignites your life's purpose and passions and peace. Check out Humanity's Team Community Circle! Two week complimentary trial right now. http://humanitysteam.org/join-community-circle
Joan's website
Joan's book The PlantPlus Diet Solution
Humanity’s Team partners with The Association for Global New Thought and The Foundation for Conscious Evolution to bring you these monthly conference calls focusing on Oneness in the 12 Spheres of Life. Barbara Marx Hubbard, Barbara Fields and our special guest on Thursday, May 8th is Dr. Deborah Rozman/HeartMath.
Dr. Deborah Rozman is President and co-CEO of HeartMath® Inc., located in Boulder Creek, California. HeartMath provides scientifically validated and market validated tools and technologies to activate the intelligence of the heart while dramatically empowering health, resilience and behavioral change in. HeartMath’s award winning emWave® and Inner Balance™ technologies monitor and provide real time feedback on heart rhythm (HRV), an important indicator of mental and emotional state and overall health. HeartMath offers certification programs for health professionals and coaches (www.heartmath.com) and a self-paced online personal development program HeartMastery® for individuals (www.heartmastery.com).
Dr. Rozman has been a psychologist in research and practice, entrepreneur and business executive for over 30 years, and is the author or co-author of eight books. She was founding executive director of the Institute of HeartMath, and now serves on the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Board and Global Coherence Initiative Steering Committee. She is co-author with HeartMath founder, Doc Childre, of the Transforming series of books (New Harbinger Publications): Transforming Anger, Transforming Stress, Transforming Anxiety and Transforming Depression. She is a key spokesperson on heart intelligence and the role of the heart in health and optimal functioning.
For media interviews contact Gabriella Boehmer at (831) 338-8710(831) 338-8710 or gboehmer@heartmath.com
Suggested Program Flow 60 minutes
AMP is Anna-Mari Pieterse, BF is Barbara Fields, BMH is Barbara Marx Hubbard, SF is Steve Farrell
I. Welcome & Overview SF & BF (1 minute)
II. Self Intro & Presence AMP, BMH, BF, SF (2 minutes)
III. Evocation of Wheel of Co-Creation/Oneness in 12 Spheres – BMH (3 minutes)
IV. Overview of Health Sphere – AMP – (3 minutes)
V. Intro Dr. Deborah Rozman/HeartMath – BMH (1 minutes)
VI. Questions for Deborah Rozman BMH (25 minutes)
VII. Interactive Panel Discussion BF lightly moderate to AMP, BMH, SF & Deborah (10 minutes)
VIII. Questions from Listeners – SF Directed to Deborah and Colleagues on Panel (13 minutes)
IX. Info Next Month & Goodbye – SF & BF (2 minutes)
Are you frequently on a tight regimen, racing against the clock? Do your interactions with others often feel mechanical? Does your connection with the Divine sometimes feel distant or non-existent? These are symptoms of being out of balance.
Being out of balance is serious business, especially when it occurs over extended periods of time. The HeartMath Solution says “it’s a vicious circle: stress destroys coherence, and incoherence causes stress. Stress is much more dangerous than we’ve thought. Even an occasional stressful experience has damaging effect on our bodies. We’re built with the capacity to tolerate a certain amount of stress. But chronic stress…will sicken and eventually get you in a lot of trouble.”
Our Oneness in 12 Spheres of Life call this month is focused on “Health” and is part of the Living in Oneness Summit. Our call will focus on how to bring our life back into balance and create long-term health and wellbeing. Dr. Deborah Rozman, the President and Co-CEO of HeartMath Inc., will share her process for creating balance. Please join Barbara Fields, Barabara Marx Hubbard and us for this balancing call!
Register now: http://livinginone.com/
This is your year to leave behind practices you no longer have use for like always being in your head, being stuck behind a checklist, forsaking “being” for “doing” and more.
Together let’s come back into joyous health and wellbeing, back into sacred connection, back into becoming fully alive as part of the Divine!
Reserve your spot now: http://livinginone.com/
This program is Thursday, May 8th from 10-11 am, Los Angeles, CA, U.S. time. You will receive your phone number and access code after you register. Please note that the phone number is different than the one we’ve been using each month because this month’s program is part of the Living in Oneness Summit.
Please do join other programs as well but place May 8th from 10-11 am PT in ink on your calendar.
See you on Thursday, May 8th!
In Oneness,
Steve Farrell & Anna-Mari Pieterse
Humanity's Team