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New Memes for the Arts Sector

From Traditional Art Memes to Quantum Based Art Memes

 In Traditional Art numerous restraints are placed on artists and their ability to have total creative freedom. Historically artists have been record keepers of the past and visionaries of the future.  Only a few individuals are seen to possess creative ability. 

In Quantum Art creativity is accessible and affirmed for all. Artists are valued for their immense contribution to all sectors of society and compensated accordingly. Inherent creativity is expressed by all as a contribution to our global humanity.

Traditional Arts Memes


Quantum Based Arts Memes

Art Is Separated from All of Life


Art Enhances the Oneness of All of Life

Only Some Are Seen as Artists.


Everyone Can Co-Create Our World

Individuals Do Not Have Power to Create Change.


Every human Has Creative Power

Institutionally Censored Art


Creativity Is a Vehicle for a Just and Peaceful World

Church Sanctioned Art


All create from One Source of Life

Artists Hide Their Vision Inside their Creations


Art Is Appreciated for Visioning the Future

Repressed and Poverty Stricken Artists


Highly Valued and Well-Paid Artists

Non-Holistic without Personal Expression


The Arts Align our Inner Healing Systems

Media Negatively Impacts All Humans


Media Presents Positive News to Inspire and Activate evolution

Community Design Is Exclusionary


Community Design Is Egalitarian

Resources of Creation Are Disposable


Our Environment is Creativity in Its Purest Form.

Science and Art Are Opposed


Creativity Is the basis of All Scientific Structure.


Art Is Separated from All of Life Becomes Art Enhances the Oneness of All of Life

In Traditional Art, art itself is separated from life by categories, by social norms, cultural biases and limiting beliefs. In Quantum Art every aspect of life is absorbed more deeply through exposure and participation in various art forms. Art enables and enhance the experience of the Oneness of creation and all of life. 

Only Some Are Seen As Artists Becomes Everyone Can Co-Create Our World

In Traditional Art we are educated to believe that some people are gifted as artists while others are not. Artistic expression has become an extracurricular activity.  In Quantum Art a critical component of our educational system is the full integration of art into all subjects. Art is woven into all disciplines by the use of visual, musical, dramatic, architecture, craftsmanship, and the language arts. Art then becomes an inherent part of each person’s life. 

Individuals Do Not Have Power to Create Change Becomes Every Human Has Creative Power

In Tradition Arts only a certain segment of society knows they have power to create and initiate change. Artistic expression is often experienced as impotent and ineffective. In Quantum-Based Art everyone is taught from a young age that their creative ability is directly linked to the creation of the universe and the envisioning of evolutionary potential. Every person has access to a set of skills with which to explore creativity through the powerful vibration of thought, sound, shape, color, movement and words. 

Institutionally Censored Art Becomes Creativity Is a Vehicle for a Just and Peaceful World

In Traditional Art artists must conform to standards set by government and social institutions.  Art became a controlled commodity by institutions. Censorship repressed free thought and expression.  In Quantum Art full freedom of expression is welcomed as long as it does not hurt or marginalize anyone. Artistic expression and choices bear the creative ability to affect our world and those around us. Creativity becomes a social vehicle for enabling justice and creating peace in the world. 

Church Sanctioned Art Becomes All Create from One Source of Life

In Traditional Art churches historically, as the centers of spirituality, dictated all forms of music and art. Social status and earning a living meant staying within these forms.  In Quantum Art it is understood that spirituality is derived from our own Creation. Creativity can be viewed as a form of prayer. Awareness that all creativity comes from the One Source is the driving force of creative energy. 

Artists Hide Their Visions inside Their Creations Becomes Art Is Appreciated for Envisioning the Future

In the Traditional World of Art artists have felt that they must hide their visions within an art creation in the form of code. In Quantum Art we are all creative beings of energy and light. Creative inspiration, vision, and innovation are the main evolutionary and energetic force in the world. We create our lives over and over in every moment by taking actions based on the choices we make. Each moment offers a new story to tell, a new canvas to paint, a new song to sing, a new garden to plant. 

Starving Artists Becomes Thriving Artists

In Traditional Art undervaluing of art leads to poverty stricken artists whose creativity is repressed. Art is considered peripheral, a luxury rather than a necessity. In Quantum Art artists are appreciated as a well spring of creativity flowing through The Universal Artist and Creator.  Art is accepted as intrinsic to life and a practical map to the higher planes of consciousness.  Artists claim their prosperity and have the ability to sustain themselves. 

Non-Holistic without Personal Expression Becomes the Arts Align our Inner Healing Systems

In the Traditional world of Art accepted guidelines and values keep art separated from our daily lives depriving it of true personal expression. In the Quantum world of Art creativity is recognized as a tool that allows for the expansion of the fullest healing potential of our mind, body, heart, and spirit. The arts raise vibration, thus creating optimal healthy responses in our internal and external environment. 

Media Negatively Impacts All Humans Becomes Media Presents Positive News to Inspire and Activate Evolution

In Traditional Art the role of media influences creative expression.  Horrific news and visuals incite fear and corruption, filling the artistic world with negative vibrations. In Quantum Art media pursues service to the community as a whole. Media acknowledges that creative marketing and public campaigns have strong influence on human beings, particularly children.  Media feeds off the Light. Great morality plays and films uplift society.

Community Design is Exclusionary Becomes Community Design is Equalitarian

In the world of Traditional Art the focus of designing communities is on creating separating and exclusive environments.  In the world of Quantum-Based Art the creative process excels within the infrastructure utilizing connecting design concepts, visualization, and craftsmanship techniques. Structures respect earth resources and energy flow.  Public spaces are equalitarian in design. 

Resources of Creation Are Disposable Becomes Our Environment is Creativity in Its Purest Form

In Traditional Art resources are seen as unlimited and therefore disposable.  In Quantum Art our environment is creativity in its purest form.  All land and water use, especially farming, is a direct outlet for our creative abilities.  Our adept power of creation utilizes all the magnificent tools the earth and its resources offer us. It uses the combination of structure and freedom that models what is possible in the physical world. 

Science and Art Are Opposed Becomes Creativity Is the Basis of All Scientific Structure

In Traditional Art science and art are separate realms of activity.  In the world of Quantum Art science and art interrelate in all creative arenas. Science recognizes that any scientific breakthroughs are the result of creativity, the creativity that arises from the Universe itself.  Creative thinking in science holds the key to our evolutionary future. 

Co-Created by – Artists: Kathleen Brigidina Haerr and Miranda Lake; Musician: Nora Williams; Claudia Haman and Laurie Hyland

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  • Hi whoever can see this!

    I really like what I've read on this page so far, but I need sleep, and to rest my eyes... have spent the last 7 1/2 hours or so on the computer, almost non-stop.  The text on my screen is getting a bit blurry... to the point of sometimes "difficult to read", SO:


    I'll resume here ASAP!

  • It was so wonderful to co-create these NEWArt Memes

    • Good work (fun?) Kathleen!

      Are you still tuning in to this site?


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