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 We see the energy and Spiritual connection between God/Divinity/Source, humanity and all of life and that we are all individuations of the Whole; that everything is interrelated, interconnected and interdependent. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. When we see ourselves and everything as a part of God/The ONE, we begin to seek to connect with and serve this Body/Whole that we are part of. Our lives become spirituality demonstrated.

Humanity's Team: Oneness Through the 12 Spheres of LifeSphere of Spirituality

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Share Your Vision at Foundation for Conscious Evolution

Get Informed at Thrive, What on Earth Will if Take

See the good news on the Spirituality Sector on Facebook

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          of those involved, ideally showing your social activism, so people can feel what the solution is about.  

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  • There is a free, fully accessible, self-regulating practice called “Living in Heart-Centered Gratitude.” With daily consistent use, it brings us into a field of Love, into a spirit of Oneness, into Unity Consciousness. This gratitude practice is more than bringing to mind those things for which we are grateful. This practice involves anchoring into the feeling tone of Gratitude within our hearts, regardless of what is going on around us. Living in Heart-Centered Gratitude eventually becomes both our resting place and our pivot point from which to navigate through life. 


    Over time, this self-harmonizing awareness produces a more continuous state of heart coherence, with an abundance of positive effects upon our entire system: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Sustaining Heart-Centered Gratitude brings us into an energy frequency of 0.1 Hertz, in resonance with the Earth’s energetic field. Living in Heart-Centered Gratitude opens our hearts into a state of generous service, giving and receiving, connection with others, freely flowing love, joy, peace, richness, even bliss. 


    When enough of us develop this daily practice into a primary way of being, our energies can unite, creating a powerful unified field of higher consciousness, and producing a paradigm-shifting effect upon the entire planet. Living in Heart-Centered Gratitude is a whole-system Global Game-Changer. 


    Our next “7-Day Heart-Centered Gratitude Experiment” is scheduled from Tuesday, December 15, through Monday, December 21, 2020. It is free and open to everyone to participate. The only thing you need to do is commit to making living in your heart in Gratitude your #1 priority during these seven days, regardless of circumstances. Then watch how things begin to change in you and in your life.


    To register, please email your name with “Experiment” in the subject line to: You will receive one supportive email on each of the seven days.


    That’s all there is to it. Please join us and prove to yourself the transformative power of living in heart-centered Gratitude, so you can then share it with others from your own personal experience. Thank you!  ♥♥♥


    • Way to go Patricia!! 

  • On New Year's Eve morning, December 31, 2017, at 7:00 am eastern time, a dozen of us gathered by conference call for the World Healing Meditation. The World Healing Meditation prayer by John Randolph Price began globally on December 31, 1986 and has been synergistically held in consciousness by people all over the world at the same time every year since then. It's a powerful prayer and beckons us to say it fervently and frequently.

                Here is an audio of the World Healing Meditation which was prayed on that conference call. As you listen to it, see, hear and feel the words as they are being said. You may discover that when you relax into the feeling nature of these words, your whole being becomes filled with luminous light. Enjoy this experience every day and let's witness the transformative power of higher consciousness manifesting here in our world.


    World Healing Meditation, December 31, 2017, presented by Patricia Wagner, founder of


    Telephone Playback*

    Playback Dial-in Number:

    1-218-844-1933 Midwest

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    * Toll-free access is not available for Telephone Playback.

    Looking For Light
    Looking For Light is a game of joyful expectation. Transform your life and our world simply by playing a game.
  • I think that Patricia has a wonderful insight: Looking at our lives at all times from a perspective of trust (forgive my re-interpretation!). Trust could be explained as a position of inclusivity... One might view it as trusting their spiritual teaching, another their scientific and/or metaphysical inclinations.... Once a sense of trust is established then a person might operate more naturally in a mood of positivity... The day is warm, or cold, and it is good.... In a warm climate we may decide it better to seek shade in a cold climate we seek warmth and protection--in both cases we perform actions necessary to the conditions of the environment but with a mood of positivity peace and joy are more likely to be companions during the effort of balancing the environmental discord... That's a little wordy, but once trust has been established then all actions to the environmental conditions we experience are seen as natural responses, possibly requiring effort but not necessarily distressing! Ever!!!!!!

    • Yes, Gray, our trust in knowing the Omnipresence of God builds into our consciousness the more we behold God's light and goodness each and every day. As science has now proven, energy follows thought. The more and more we come from a consciousness of "It's all light, it's all good, it's all God," the more quickly our earth will be tranformed into Oneness, peace on earth, goodwill toward men. This is the transformative power each of us possesses: to hold only Truth in mind, a single-eyed vision of the divine everywhere present, in you, in me, in everyone and all creation everywhere. Thank you for seeing the power of this spiritual tool called Looking for Light. Blessings, Patricia

  • Hello everyone and Happy New Year.

    Coming out of meditation one morning in 2001, I asked Spirit, "How can I stay consciously connected with God outside of meditation times?" This process, which I named Looking for Light, downloaded. It is a spiritual tool, a mindfulness practice which conditions our minds to see only light, only good and only God in every situation and circumstance.

    When it first came to me, I played it like a game and marvelous things occurred. It created within me an inner resonance field of gratitude and joy. As I went about my day playing the game of Looking for Light (seeing light, good, God everywhere), everything else that would bring me gratitude and joy just naturally flowed into my life. Unbeknownst to me, I had invoked the natural laws of resonance and entrainment by simply keeping my eyes lifted in a single-eyed vision of Omnipresence. Try it for yourself and see the transformational quality of this little game. You can print out a free copy of the game from the website:

    In the meantime, I wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year. This poem is written for you:

    Happy New Year – 2018

    2018 is here to bring,
    Marvelous surprises in awakening.
    No matter what the appearance may be,
    It's Light and Good and God we see.

    We become transformed by how we perceive,
    Our vision ascends, illumination will be.
    Beholding the Presence of God everywhere,
    Embraces the Truth that sets our minds free.

    Looking for Light, seeing only good,
    Evolves the perfection of Creation here.
    We co-create Heaven on Earth today
    Through our indwelling Christ-Mind freed to play.

         ~ Rev. Patricia Wagner, founder of
            “It’s all light, it’s all good, it’s all God.”

    • This is onederful! I have been saying for years, "I know I am hearing truth when it honors that "It is all good and it is all God". You added the light. I love that. Love & Peace, Janet

  • I seek ways to learn to live, consciously, at the fulcrum that lies between the pairs of opposites. I seek to refrain from judgment, and refuse to polarize regardless of the circumstances. I seek to unify all antitheses. Only at the fulcrum between the pairs of opposites does zero point energy exist. I seek to tap into that energy, consciously, physically and energize my life and the lives of all I interact with. Through this process I feel that I would be expressing and communicating Oneness.

  • 3068506?profile=RESIZE_480x480New to the forum and presented with the task of offering a "solution" I had to pause... Of course I have my personal life where I make decisions about my context today and in the future, but to offer a solution for something so great as to include others--who have their own personal freedoms--and others that have no voice (animals, lands, oceans, etc) that task felt foreign. But after sleep I woke to realize that I do have "solution" that I have observed a mechanism both for myself as well as for others that could lead to some kind of collective growth; spiritual as well as physical. And that solution is activation. To act out/in cause for something greater than oneself. Our entire lives we are taught to succeed/win/achieve/accomplish at the top, with the goal of accumulating honor so as to increase our rank and worth in society. Each of us then separately struggle, winning and losing in this modern-day definition of life, only later to discover that the rules were skewed, the rewards false, all integrity void. So, now after a lifetime of trying to win the gold-plated medal it's time to devote oneself to global cause: Environmental, Social and Economic, Human/Animal/Ecosystem etc.

    My work through my agriculture platform is for crop improvement and sustainable farming that is inclusive of land/producer/consumer/worker... My project is wowdragonfruit as a .com website and on facebook. Peace

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